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>AGU Spring'97 |
>Abstracts |
James Green (GSFC/NASA, Code 630), William Mish (GSFC/NASA, Code 690, e-mail: wmish@, Syau-Yun Hsieh, and Daniel Berdichevsky (Raytheon STX Corp.,GSFC/NASA, e-mail:,
Multi-point measurements of various solar wind and magnetospheric parameters corresponding to the first IACG campaign intervals (First phase: Oct. 18-21, Oct. 26-27, Oct. 31-Nov 1, Nov. 11-12, Nov. 17, Nov. 27-30, Dec. 3-4, Dec. 7, Dec. 15, and Dec. 18-20, in 1995, and Jan. 12, 1996) will be presented. These intervals were selected based in the location of the spacecraft that both GEOTAIL and INTERBALL-TAIL probe were in the Earth's magnetosphere while WIND and/or IMP-8 were in the solar wind. The presentation will be highlighted with examples, illustrating the global magnetospheric responses under the various solar wind conditions, such as the interplanetary magnetic cloud from Oct. 18, 95, and the SW structures from Dec. 3-4, 95. Measurements from various geosynchronous spacecraft, such as LANL and GOES, and ground-based investigations will be used in addition to data from the above mentioned spacecraft. We will use the ISTP Key Parameter Visualization Tool (KPVT) as the primary tool of this presentation. The data and software are available at ISTP Central Data Handling Facility (CDHF). They are also available on a special set of ISTP/IACG CD-ROMs to facilitate further studies. The second phase of IACG is curretnly under planning. MOre information is available at both the web sites of IACG ( and ISTP (