Although the full set of ISTP missions has only been in place for 13 months, the Project has already had a significant impact in the space physics literature, starting with the book "The Global Geophysics Mission" (Space Science Reviews, 1995) which describes the elements of the system. ISTP/GGS studies to date have resulted in numerous publications - three special issues of Geophysical Research Letters, with 41, 28 and 23 papers respectively, have been published to report ISTP/GGS results. The Proceedings of the COSPAR-96 Meeting included 65 papers related to ISTP. Two more special issues, one in the Journal of Geophysical Research and the other in Geophysical Research Letters are currently in preparation. The Fall 1996 AGU meeting featured five days of special sessions devoted to ISTP/GGS science, with over 250 oral and poster papers in these sessions and others. The Spring 1997 AGU has scheduled 113 presentations during nine special ISTP sessions, and papers in other sessions are also likely to include ISTP results. During 1996 alone, 607 papers involving ISTP/GGS data were presented at various scientific meetings and conferences worldwide. |