Summary Index]
Radiation belt buildup and decay in response to solar wind
8 January 1997 (PM)
Mary Hudson, Chair
- D. Baker: Relativistic Electron Acceleration - Solar/SW Drivers and
Magnetoshpheric Response Time Scales
- B. Blake: Long-time scale trends in POLAR and HEO Data
- G. Reeves: ENA measurements from Polar during substorms and storms
- E. Whipple: Multi-spacecraft method to measure large-scale E-fields
- M. Hudson: Shock inhection of particles into radiation belts
- J. Borovsky: Superdense plasma sheet and its possible role in feeding
radiation belts
- T. Fritz: High-energy ion events in the cusp region observed by POLAR
- C. Farrugia, et al.: Storm activity associated with the passage of the
October 1995 magnetic cloud
- Jordanova, et al.: March 1996 moderate activity (Dst) period