Splinter Group - Chairs: Bob Hoffman (NASA/GSFC) & Ray Greenwald (JHU/APL)
This workshop will attempt to resolve important outstanding issues in ionospheric electrodynamics through coordinated usage of the ISTP spacecraft and existing ground-based instrumentation. We will begin with a series of invited and contributed presentations in which the speakers are encouraged to give a thorough evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of many of the satellite-borne and ground-based research instruments used in the study of the near-Earth space environment. Of particular importance are assumptions used in the derivation of fundamental physical parameters, as well as spatial and temporal resolution and coverage. We will then examine how various combinations of instruments might complement each other through validation of procedures or the determination of additional physical parameters. In a future workshop we will identify important research issues that might be resolved with specific combinations of instruments and formulate campaigns for their resolution.
Lummerzheim - Using Visible and UV Images for Determining Ionospheric Conductivities (20)
Maynard - Ionospheric Electric Field Measurement Capabilities and Limitations (20)
Reiff - Deriving Conductivities from Electron Precipitation Measurements (15)
Evans - Rocket and Satellite Measurements on Scale Sizes and Interrelationships Between Conductivities and Electric Fields (20)
Greenwald - Superdarn (20)
Rostoker - Ground Magnetic Perturbations of Large Scale 3D Current Systems (20)
Richmond - The AMIE System (20)