Education & Outreach

Splinter Group - Chair: Mike Carlowicz (NASA/GSFC)

This session is open to all workshop attendees, regardless of your background or past involvement in education, outreach, and media activities. The purpose of this splinter group is to discuss what makes a news conference or release successful. We will explore the procedures and shortcuts to preparing for a news conference, and we will identify some of the resources available to produce it. We will also work to identify possible ISTP media events for the next two AGU meetings, our prime venue for releasing discoveries and news items to the media.

If you have a bit of news or a noteworthy discovery that you believe to be worthy of media attention, this session is the best time to step forward. The session, particularly the last hour, is intended to be an open forum for new ideas and new voices.

Agenda (tentative)

If you would like to share an idea or make a presentation during the session, please contact Mike Carlowicz at 301-286-6353 or email

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