POLAR Splinter Meeting - Agenda
- Science Issues (15 min)
a) Status of publications
b) Lists of science accomplishments (3 year report to HQ)
c) Space science update
- Resources (20 min)
a) Status of funding during FY99
b) Approach to funding during FY2000
c) Outlook in outer years
d) Issues:
Large no-cost extensions
Anniversary dates
Spending rates
Co-I institutional funding; PI perogatives
- Status of spacecraft (30 min)
a) Apogee and implications for future operations
b) Operations planning
Operations Schedule
Free orbits for despun platform instruments
Spin axis orientation/fuel saving
- Status of instruments (60 min)
Individual instrument presentations
- Data processing (20 min)
a) Summary status for instruments
b) Issues of availability
c) Polar Key Parameter summary plots
Please address any comments or questions to Robert A. Hoffman
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