Splinter Group - Chairs: Michael Hesse (NASA/GSFC) & Bob McPherron (UCLA)
Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental mode of energy conversion in plasmas of the Sun-Earth connected system. As such, it has been the topic of many investigations beginning long before the ISTP era. During the ISTP years, however, a large number of new space observations and theoretical efforts have begun to disperse some of the open questions related to the reconnection process itself, and to its consequences. This process of clearing the mist around the reconnection process is on-going, and the present workshop will provide a forum for progress reviews and intensive discussion of outstanding topics in observations and modeling. The workshop will attempt to bring about a direct comparison between observations and modeling related to reconnection. Particular emphasis will be on direct observations of the dissipation process, and on reconnection signatures in the outflow region. In the latter case, we will ask in particular: What is the sequence of changes that should be observed in space and on the ground once reconnection starts?
The workshop will involve a small number of invited presentations, each to be followed by ample discussion time. Participants are encouraged to contribute to the discussion statements based on one or two viewgraphs. We look forward to seeing you in late March.
Wednesday afternoon: The outflow region of magnetic reconnection