Cusp Event Studies
Conveners: David Sibeck (JHU/APL) and Reiner Friedel (LANL)
Spacecraft in the cusp frequently observe energetic ions accompanied by high
frequency waves. The source of the ions remains to be determined. Some
models predict that they are energized locally, others predict that they
escape from the magnetosphere, and still others that the ions are energized
at the bow shock. In this splinter group, we will compare the predictions
of these models with multipoint ISTP measurements when the Polar spacecraft
was located in the cusp during the following intervals:
June 28, 1999 0400-1000
16 August 1996 0905-0950
28 August 1996 0305-0335
22 September 1996 0040-0051
4 November 1996 0535-0625
Interested participants should contact one of the organizers with details
concerning the talks they wish to present.
David Sibeck (
Reiner Friedel (