Splinter Group - Chairs: Richard Harrison (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) & Robert Walsh (St. Andrews University)
Topics Suggested for Discussion:
Many of the ISTP workshop efforts are geared towards well defined periods of time, to focus efforts on one particular target or sequence of events. Judging by the responses I have had, people would rather not do this in the active region loops session. Much of the work will include comparisons between different active regions and events.
Clearly the ideas are still coming together, but we have the beginnings of a good discussion already. Please send more ideas to us and we will circulate full details of the planned discussion in September.
So, bring anything you have, to discuss or illustrate these topics, or others. Be prepared to stand up and talk but also to shout from the floor!
Any more inputs gratefully received.
The session chairs welcome advance contributions and suggestions for the session. (E-mail: Richard Harrison, Robert Walsh)