Splinter Group - Chairs: James L. Green (NASA/GSFC) & Philippe Escoubet (ESA/ESTEC)
Some of the most successful correlative solar-terrestrial science research has come from campaigns sponsored by the Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG). A new IACG campaign has just been approved which will take place during solar maximum (after the year 2000). Assuming the currently flying missions remain healthy, and including a number of new solar-terrestrial missions (for example: Cluster, IMAGE, Solar-B, etc.) an IACG solar-maximum campaign could answer a number of important research questions. The solar-maximum campaign should be done in a way that will compliment the science coming from the current solar minimum campaigns allowing us to compare fundamental global characteristics of the solar-terrestrial system before and during solar maximum. The role of this splinter group is to discuss potential mission elements and science thrusts of the IACG Solar-Maximum Campaign in addition to the planning for a community meeting on this topic.