Access to Data:
On January 1/2, 1997, there was an optimal configuration of ISTP satellites
with GEOTAIL and IMP-8 both crossing the center plane of the tail a few Re
apart, POLAR taking auroral measurements and WIND monitoring the solar wind
from ~20 UT on January 1 onwards. InterBall-Tail was also very well placed
in the tail at this time. This ideal positioning of the key satellites was
complimented by a large array of ground stations - the Sondrestrom, SuperDARN
and EISCAT radars, CANOPUS network, and many other networks around the world.
A coordinated campaign was organised where the POLAR platform was orientated
to best image the midnight region in order to watch the development of the
aurora during substorms - the satellites in the tail were ideally located to
detect dipolarizations and other tail modifications during the substorm.
Two small, reasonably isolated substorms occurred during the campaign interval
- the first at around 21:45 UT on Jan 1 and the second around 2 UT on Jan 2.
The POLAR imagers saw beautiful aurora and there were many indications of
substorm onset detected in the other instruments on board and also from the
Event Description
GGS Event Leader: Nicola J. Fox (301) 286 8872
Other events of interest may be found in the Catalog of GGS Events.