The CDHF is an ISTP project-unique, multimission facility dedicated to processing scientific
data. It provides for the centralized handling of instrument and related science data for the
scientific community. The CDHF receives science telemetry and supporting data. These data are
used to produce key parameters using principal investigator (PI)-supplied key parameter
generation software (KPGS) and calibration data. These data are maintained online and are made
available to users, on request, via electronic transfer.
To support the ISTP scientific community, the CDHF provides the following services and
- Receive telemetry, orbit, and attitude data
- Receive and store supplementary data, such as command history data and calibration data
- Receive and store key parameters from GBIs, LANL, GOES, and IMP-8
- Receive and store summary data from SOHO
- Receive and store summary and prime parameters from Cluster
- Generate key parameters
- Generate spin-phase data (GEOTAIL, WIND, POLAR), despun platform attitude
(POLAR), and attitude data (SOHO)
- Store and manage science data for online retrieval
- Transfer science data to other facilities
- Perform data management and accounting
- Control and monitor system operations
- Provide interactive user services
- Provide interactive access to the CDHF catalog
- Provide electronic transfer of online data to ISTP investigators
- Receive, edit, and decommutate WIND and POLAR telemetry data in near-real time
- Generate key parameters in near-real time for specified instruments on WIND
The CDHF interacts closely with the ISTP Science Planning and Operations Facility. The
SPOF is physically located in Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Building 2, but it shares
some of the CDHF hardware resources via the network.