>Science Operations |
>Quick Tour |
If you have a Sun Workstation but do not have a VT100, VT200, or VT300 emulator, you might want to obtain a copy of a terminal emulation package called VTTOOL. You can find a compressed UNIX tape archive (tar) file containing this package on the CDHF in SYS$PUBLIC:[VTTOOL], along with a README file with instructions for installing the emulator on your Sun Workstation.
If you do not know which type of terminal your display device emulates, then proceed to the next section, "Starting the interface." The procedure that starts the User Interface attempts to determine and set the appropriate terminal class for your display device. If you have established the terminal class to which your display device belongs, place the following command in your LOGIN.COM file:
For example:
Once you have determined the display-device class, turn to APPENDIX A and make a copy of the keyboard mapping diagram that corresponds to the display device you are using. Place the diagram near your terminal so you can refer to it until you have learned some of the basic key mappings. To actually start the User Interface, type the following command:
Menu Item Description CDHF Queries and Reports Query the CDHF catalog for information and/or generate reports. Data Transfer Services Request data files for transfer. Update Key Parameter Quality Update key parameter quality flag in the Information CDHF catalog. Decommutation Specifications Create, modify, or delete decommutation specifications. Invoke Theory Programs Display menu of available theory investigation programs. Extract NRT Level-zero Data Extract data from WIND or POLAR near-real-time telemetry files. Plot Orbit Data Generate plots of orbit data. Access the NEWS Bulletin Board Run the NEWS bulletin board.
Function Description Exit/Cancel Exits the current menu, form, or pop-up window. Cancels the current function. Abort [CONTROL] Y usually gets you completely out of the User Interface but should not be used unless you are hopelessly lost. Refresh Redraws the current screen. Show Keys Provides key mappings table (the keystroke for this is always [CONTROL] K). Note that the table presented shows the key mappings for the defined terminal class. If cdhf100 has been defined, then the mappings displayed are for a DEC VT100 keyboard. If you are using an emulator with a non-VT100-like keyboard, then your key mappings may be different than shown. Next Field Moves the cursor to next enterable field on the form. Previous Field Moves the cursor to the previous enterable field on the form. Up Moves the cursor to the next record. Down Moves the cursor to the previous record. List Displays a list of valid values for the current field (if available). Next Block Moves cursor to the first enterable field in the next block of the form. Also used to execute a query for criteria entered in the current block and display results in the next block (see sample queries under "Getting Things Done"). Previous Block Moves the cursor to the first enterable field in the previous block. Insert/Replace Toggles between INSERT and REPLACEMENT character modes. In general, REPLACEMENT should be used. Menu Activates the pull-down menu items, allowing an alternative method to invoke the form's functions. Commit/Accept Used to commit changes, enter new information in the database, select from a list of values, and to activate reports. Special Four special function keys which are defined as needed, Function keys provide special functions on forms. When needed, the keys and functions are described on the form.
A word about insert vs. replacement mode: INSERT mode allows you to insert text at any point in a string. REPLACEMENT (or overstrike) mode types over the existing text in a field. A common problem in using the User Interface is trying to insert text into a field that is full. If you are in INSERT mode and try to type in a field that is full, nothing happens. The mode you are in is indicated at the bottom right corner of each form (<Insert> or <Replace>). To avoid confusion, stay in REPLACEMENT mode. Switch to INSERT mode only when you need to, and then switch back to REPLACEMENT mode. Use the INSERT/REPLACE key to toggle between INSERT and REPLACEMENT modes.
To check your default information and change the default data type, do the following: 1. Select the "CDHF Queries and Reports" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "ISTP Users and Privileges Form" option. 3. Press [TAB] once to place you in the "Query All Versions" field. If this field is set to Y, you see all versions of data files when you perform a query. If it is set to N, you only see the most recent version of a data file. In general, you will want to look at only the most recent version of a file. Viewing all versions of a file is useful when you are interested in the reprocessing history of a data file. 4. Press [TAB] again to move to the "Default Mission Name" field. Press the List key to obtain a list of missions from which you can choose. Highlight the mission name you wish to have set as your default, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 5. Press [TAB] again to advance the cursor to the "Data Type" field. Press the List key to obtain a list of data types from which you can select, highlight the desired data type, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 6. Press [TAB] again to advance to the "Default Descriptor" field. Press the List key to obtain a list of descriptors from which you can select, highlight the desired descriptor, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 7. Press the Commit/Accept key to commit the changes to the database. 8. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.
To obtain a list of all key parameter files for all missions during the time period 01-JUN-1993 through 01-JUL-1993, perform the following: 1. Select the "CDHF Queries and Reports" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Data File Information Menu" option. 3. Select the "Science Data File Information Form" option. 4. Type % under Mission Name (if necessary, use the space bar to erase any remaining text in the field). 5. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 6. Type K% under Data Type. 7. Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. 8. Type % under Descriptor (if necessary, use the space bar to erase any remaining text in the field). 9. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 10. Type 01-JUN-1993 into the starting date field. 11. Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. 12. Type 01-JUL-1993 into the ending date field. 13. Press the Next Block key to move to the next block and perform the query. If records are found in the database, they appear in the second block on the screen. 14. Press the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through the records retrieved. 15. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.The preceding query can also be performed for a specific instrument or mission or for a different time range. Simply type the desired mission or instrument name into the appropriate field instead of the wildcard character % (or use the list of values to choose from), or specify the desired time range.
To generate a report identical to the preceding query, perform the following: 1. Select the "CDHF Queries and Reports" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Data File Information Menu" option. 3. Select the "Data Files Stored Online Report" option. 4. Type % under Mission Name (if necessary, use the space bar to erase any remaining text in the field). 5. Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. 6. Type K% under Date Type. 7. Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. 8. Type % under Descriptor (if necessary, use the space bar to erase any remaining text in the field). 9. Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. 10. Type 01-JUN-1993 into the starting date field. 11. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 12. Type 01-JUL-1993 into the ending date field. 13. Press SF1 if you want the report generated in BATCH mode instead of the default INTERACTIVE mode. 14. Press the Commit/Accept key to execute the query. The report will be written to your home directory unless DBI_RPT_DIR is defined in your LOGIN.COM. (Refer to Section, "Customizations," of the ISTP CDHF User's Guide.) 15. In INTERACTIVE mode, you are prompted to display the report to the screen. Answering Y causes the report to be displayed to your screen.While viewing the report, press [CONTROL] Z to abort the displayed report, if desired. Afterward you are prompted to print the report. Answering Y to this prompt causes the report to be printed on a printer at the CDHF. For remote users, this is not desired so, in general, answer N. The report file remains in the designated report directory (DBI_RPT_DIR or your home directory by default).
To list KPGS program history information for IMP-8 MAG, perform the following: 1. Select the "CDHF Queries and Reports" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "File Processing Information Menu" option. 3. Select the "Process Program Information Form" option. 4. Enter the program name IMP8_MAG_KP or press the List key to obtain a list of programs to select from, highlight IMP8_MAG_KP, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 5. Press the Execute Query key to execute the query. 6. Use the arrow keys to scroll through multiple entries, if they exist. 7. Press Exit/Cancel to exit or press Enter Query to enter a new query.
To generate a report on key parameter certification information for IMP-8 MAG, perform the following: 1. Select the "CDHF Queries and Reports" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Data File Information Menu" option. 3. Select the "Data File Certification Status Report" option. 4. Enter the mission name I8 or press the List key to obtain a list of the programs from which you can select, highlight I8, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 5. Press [TAB] to move to the next field. 6. Type MAG in the descriptor field. 7. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 8. Type 01-JUN-1993 into the starting date field. 9. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 10. Type 01-OCT-1993 into the ending date field. 11. Press the Commit/Accept key to execute the query. The report will be written to your home directory unless DBI_RPT_DIR is defined in your LOGIN.COM. (Refer to Section, "Customizations," of the ISTP CDHF User's Guide.) 12. In INTERACTIVE mode, you are prompted to display the report to the screen. Answering Y causes the report to be displayed to your screen.
Data files can be transferred to the user's directory on the CDHF (staged transfer) or directly to the user's remote computer system (direct transfer). The following examples use the staged method of transfer. For information on setting up your computer system to accept direct transfers, refer to Section 4.2.5 of the CDHF User's Guide. Before trying to execute the following examples, obtain the name of your home directory on the CDHF by typing SHOW LOGICAL SYS$LOGIN at the VMS system prompt. The destination address you will use in the examples looks like the following address:
The following is an example of a scheduled request to transfer GEOTAIL orbit data for 01-JUN-1993: 1. Select the "User Data Transfer Services" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Create Transfer Request for Cataloged Science Files" option. 3. Type the execution date (the default is an immediate transfer). 4. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 5. A default Mail Address appears; modify it if desired. 6. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 7. A default Transfer Destination appears; set this to be your home directory as described above. 8. Press the Next Block key to advance to the next block. 9. Type the mission identifier GE or press the List key to obtain a list of mission names from which you can select, highlight GE, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 10. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 11. Type the datatype OR or press the List key to obtain a list of data types to select from, highlight OR, and press RETURN to fill in the field. 12. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 13. Type the descriptor DEF or press the List key to obtain a list of descriptors from which you can select, highlight DEF, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 14. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 15. Type 01-JUN-1993 into the Start Date field. 16. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 17. Type 01-JUN-1993 into the in End Date field. 18. Press the Next Block key to move to the next block and perform the query. If records are found in the database, they appear in the second block on the screen. 19. Use the arrow keys to move to the file to be selected for transfer, and press SF1 to select individual files. Use SF2 to select all files in the list. 20. Press the Commit/Accept key to commit the request. 21. Press [RETURN] to acknowledge the request. 22. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.The transfer request is queued and executed at the specified time. After the request is executed, an E-mail message providing the status of the transfer is sent to the address entered in step 5 above.
To set up a staged standing transfer for GEOTAIL definitive orbit data, perform the following: 1. Select the "User Data Transfer Services" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Create Standing Request for New Science files" option. 3. Type the date and time of execution of the first execution of the standing request. 4. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 5. A default Mail Address appears, modify it if desired. 6. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 7. A default Destination Address appears; set this to be your home directory as described in the previous example. 8. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 9. Press the Next Block key to advance to the next block. 10. Type the mission identifier GE or press the List key to obtain a list of mission names from which you can select, highlight GE, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 11. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 12. Type the datatype OR or press the List key to obtain a list of data types from which you can select, highlight OR, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 13. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 14. Type the descriptor DEF or press the List key to obtain a list of descriptors from which you can select, highlight DEF, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 15. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 16. Type the effective catalog start date for request (must be no earlier than the current date/time). The request looks for files cataloged after this date. 17. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 19. Type the time interval for the execution of the request. The value can be from 1 to 7 days. 20. Press the Commit/Accept key to commit the request. 21. Press [RETURN] to acknowledge the request. 22. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.
To remove a standing request from the request queue: 1. Select the "User Data Transfer Services" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Query/Modify Standing Requests for New Science Files" option. 3. The standing transfer requests you have entered as displayed. Use the arrow keys to view each request. 4. When you have the request displayed that you want to delete press the Delete Record key. You are asked if you really want to delete the record. Answer Y or N and press [RETURN]. 5. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.
To manually update the key parameter quality information, perform the following: 1. Select the "Update Key Parameter Quality" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Key Parameter Update Form" option. 3. Press the List key to obtain a list of mission names from which you can select, highlight your selection, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 4. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 5. Press the List key to obtain a list of data types from which you can select, highlight your selection, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 6. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 7. Press the List key to obtain a list of descriptors from which you can select, highlight your selection, and press [RETURN] to fill in the field. 8. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 9. Enter the starting date for the query (or use the default). 10. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 11. Enter the ending date for the query (or use the default). 12. Press the Next Block key to execute the query. The results are displayed in the second block of the form. 13. Enter PASS or FAIL in the Key Parameter Quality field. 14. Press [TAB] to advance to the next field. 15. A default KP Certify Date (the current date) appears. 16. KP Certify By defaults to your username. 17. Type any comments if desired. 18. Press the Commit/Accept key to commit the request. 19. Press the Down key to display the next record and go back to step 13 to continue updating the Key Parameter Quality information or to step 20 to exit. 20. Press the Exit/Cancel key to exit.The second method of updating key parameter quality information is to supply the quality information in a file, which is then processed to update the database. The following example shows a method of creating a file with the appropriate information and then instructing the User Interface to use that file to update the database.
[logical filename]
[key parameter quality, PASS , FAIL, or null string]
[logical filename]
[key parameter quality, PASS or FAIL]
. For example, the following file contains information to update three key parameter files. User SMITH must have key parameter quality update privileges for GEOTAIL PWI key parameter data. The first file is marked as PASS and has no comment in the command field. The second and third files have comments in the comment field and are marked as FAIL and PASS, respectively. KEY PARAMETER QUALITY UPDATE FILE FOR USER SMITH
PASS GE_K0_PWI_19930526_V01
Excessive noise
Only data after 0200GMT should be used
After creating the file with the update information, perform the following: 1. Select the "Update Key Parameter Quality" option from the main menu. 2. Select the "Process Key Parameter Update File" option. 3. Enter the name of the input file containing the key parameter quality update information. If the file is in your default directory, you can simply enter the filename; otherwise, you must enter the complete file specification. 4. Press the Accept/Commit key to start the update. You will receive status information on the progress of the update. 5. When the update is complete, you are prompted to press [RETURN] to return to the form.
Problem E-mail Telephone Problems with the User Interface ISTP::PAC PAC @ (301) 286-3228 Login problem, forgotten ISTP::SYSTEM (301) 286-9561 password, and other access problems Data access privilege changes ISTP::SCHNEIDER (301) 286-5543 Other ISTP data questions ISTP::WMISH (301) 286-5444
VT100 Keyboard Mapping
VT200 Keyboard Mapping
VT200 Keyboard Mappings on Mac extended keyboard
Keystrokes for VT100 emulation mode