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2001 ISTP Senior Review Proposals

The 2001 ISTP Senior Review proposals, detailing science and operations plans for the next four years, are available.

2001 ISTP Senoir Review Proposal Cover

The ISTP Global Geospace Science (GGS) program consists of three spacecraft missions (Wind, Polar, and Geotail), coordinated ground observing investigations, and theory and modeling investigations. The current proposal spans solar maximum, characterized by powerful transient events and coronal mass ejections, and the approach to solar minimum, characterized by large transient equatorial holes. These latter structures are associated with long-lived, high velocity solar wind streams that produce recurrent geomagnetic storms and which somehow produce the largest fluxes of damaging MeV radiation belt electrons. We propose to take full advantage of the ISTP assets to accomplish the following general goals for the extended phase:

  1. We will extend the systems-science approach, describing the dynamic processes associated with the decline of the solar cycle. This will be based on observable quantities and be demonstrable through realistic physical 3D global models of the magnetosphere system.
  2. We will understand the dynamic processes associated with the equatorial region of 2-30 RE . We will quantify the relative influences that solar and terrestrial source plasmas have on dynamic equatorial processes. We will determine the equatorial storm plasma injection and loss as a function of solar input. And, we will understand the connection between radiation belt time variations and their direct connection with solar variability.
  3. We will investigate the global consequences of magnetic reconnection. We expect to gain an understanding of substorm onset and instability processes associated with the inner magnetosphere. We will establish which are the controlling reconnection processes and quantify their relative importance for system dynamics. Merging versus current disruption? Component versus antiparallel merging? Which are controllers, which act as regulators? Are the fundamental processes different on the dayside, the flanks and in the tail?
  4. We will quantify the 3-D structure and evolution of large-scale interplanetary configurations and their interaction with the magnetosphere. The evolution and dynamics of large scale interplanetary structures such as corotating interaction regions (CIRs), magnetic clouds, shocks, flux ropes, etc. will be characterized using new 3-point heliosphere configurations.

download .pdf version of ISTP/GGS proposal
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NASA Official: Adam Szabo

Curators: Robert Candey, Alex Young, Tamara Kovalick

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