POLAR Principal Investigator List International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Historical Pages

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Polar Principal Investigator List

Magnetic Fields Experiments (MFE)

  • Christopher T. Russell
    Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567
    ctrussell@igpp.ucla.edu, (310) 825-3188

Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment (TIDE)

Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS)

  • William K. Peterson
    Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
    University of Colorado
    1234 Innovation Drive
    Boulder, CO 80303
    Bill.Peterson@lasp.colorado.edu (303) 492-0686

Plasma Waves Investigation (PWI)

  • Donald A. Gurnett
    Department of Physics and Astronomy
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City, IA 52242
    donald-gurnett@uiowa.edu (319)335-1697

Electric Fields Investigation (EFI)

  • Forrest S. Mozer
    Space Sciences Laboratory
    University of California, Berkeley
    Berkeley, CA 94720
    mozer@ssl.berkeley.edu (510)642-0549

Polar Ionospheric X-Ray Imaging Experiment (PIXIE)

  • David L. Chenette
    Space Physics Laboratory
    Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
    3251 Hanover Street
    Palo Alto, CA 94034
    chenette@spasci.com (650) 424-3449

Comprehensive Energetic-Particle Pitch-Angle Distribution (CEPPAD)

  • J. Bernard Blake
    Space Sciences Department
    The Aerospace Corporation
    P.O. Box 92957
    Los Angeles, CA 90009
    jbernard.blake@aero.org(310) 336-7078

Comprehensive Energetic-Particle Pitch-Angle Distribution - Source/Loss Cone Energetic Particle Spectrometer (CEPPAD/SEPS)

  • Martin Walt
    STARLAB- Electrical Engineering Department
    Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305-9515
    (765) 998-4843

Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE)

  • Theodore A. Fritz
    Center for Space Physics
    Boston University
    725 Commonwealth Ave
    Boston, MA 02215

Hot Plasma Analyzer (HYDRA)

  • Jack D. Scudder
    Department of Physics and Astronomy
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City, IA 52242
    (319) 335-0804

Visible Imaging System (VIS)

Ultraviolet Imager (UVI)

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NASA Official: Adam Szabo

Curators: Robert Candey, Alex Young, Tamara Kovalick

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