WIND Orbit Plots
Plot Format
The WIND orbit plots show projections of orbit trajectories onto the X-Y plane (GSE coordinates) for the WIND spacecraft. The linestyle is changed based on the region of geospace the satellite is imersed in, as follows:
- solid = Solar Wind,
- dashed = Magnetosheath,
- dotted = Magnetosphere
The region determinations are based on statistical models for the bow
shock (Fairfield, 1971) and magnetopause (Roelof and Sibeck, 1994), for nominal solar wind and IMF conditions (p=2.1 nPa, IMF-Bz=0 nT). Tick marks are
placed one day apart, tick labels appear every 15 days or so.
Authors and curators:
- Mauricio Peredo - SSAI (
- Scott Boardsen - L-3 Comm., GSI. (
Last updated: August 23, 2005