The 2001 ISTP Senior Review proposals, detailing science and operations plans
for the next four years, are available.
The ISTP Global Geospace Science (GGS) program consists of three spacecraft missions (Wind, Polar, and Geotail),
coordinated ground observing investigations, and theory and modeling investigations. The current proposal spans solar
maximum, characterized by powerful transient events and
coronal mass ejections, and the approach to solar minimum, characterized
by large transient equatorial holes. These latter structures
are associated with long-lived, high velocity solar wind
streams that produce recurrent geomagnetic storms and which
somehow produce the largest fluxes of damaging MeV radiation
belt electrons. We propose to take full advantage of the ISTP assets
to accomplish the following general goals for the extended phase:
- We will extend the systems-science approach, describing
the dynamic processes associated with the decline of the
solar cycle. This will be based on observable quantities and
be demonstrable through realistic physical 3D global models
of the magnetosphere system.
- We will understand the dynamic processes associated with
the equatorial region of 2-30 RE . We will quantify the relative
influences that solar and terrestrial source plasmas have
on dynamic equatorial processes. We will determine the equatorial
storm plasma injection and loss as a function of solar
input. And, we will understand the connection between radiation
belt time variations and their direct connection with solar
- We will investigate the global consequences of magnetic
reconnection. We expect to gain an understanding of substorm
onset and instability processes associated with the inner magnetosphere.
We will establish which are the controlling
reconnection processes and quantify their relative importance
for system dynamics. Merging versus current disruption?
Component versus antiparallel merging? Which are controllers,
which act as regulators? Are the fundamental processes
different on the dayside, the flanks and in the tail?
- We will quantify the 3-D structure and evolution of large-scale
interplanetary configurations and their interaction
with the magnetosphere. The evolution and dynamics of
large scale interplanetary structures such as corotating interaction
regions (CIRs), magnetic clouds, shocks, flux ropes,
etc. will be characterized using new 3-point heliosphere
download .pdf version of ISTP/GGS proposal
Cluster is a pioneering, unique, and exciting mission that for the
first time in the history of space science has deployed advanced particle
and fields experiments on four identical spacecraft. The four spacecraft
orbit in a tetrahedral configuration of variable separation allowing
separation of space and time as data are collected across plasma
boundaries in geospace. Cluster is the culmination of a 15-year joint
program between NASA and the European Space Agency to launch a suite of
spacecraft designed to explore geospace in unprecedented detail. The high
time resolution measurements made by Cluster provide the first clear view
of structures in three dimensions, making Cluster the microscope of the
International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program. Cluster's unique
capabilities include the ability to use VLBI techniques to determine the
location, size, and motions of magnetospheric sources of radio and plasma
waves. The wire booms of the Electric Fields and Waves
experiment together with the Electron Drift Instrument provide, for the
first time, the three vector components of the electric field.
- Cluster will study the dayside cusp, magnetopause and plasma sheet
boundary layer. We will determine the spatial thickness and convective
motion of the boundaries between these regions to ascertain the physical
processes that lead to the
transfer of mass, momentum, and energy across such boundaries.
- Cluster will probe the geomagnetic tail. Cluster will study the
kinetic physics behind the
large-scale reconfiguration of plasmas and electromagnetic fields
associated with magnetospheric substorms. Cluster will
determine how the tail plasma is energized and where it flows. During
the summer of 2001, Cluster will move through the geomagnetic tail at 20 RE with a
spacecraft separation of
~2000 km. The conjunction of Cluster with Polar, which will also be in
the tail at 9 RE, in the vicinity of the
Near Earth Neutral Line will be nearly ideal for studying the flow
of energy before and during substorm onset.
- Cluster will help to determine the kinetic structure of
interplanetary shocks and the Earth's bow shock. The
three-dimensional capabilities enable us to determine the kinetic processes
that give rise to these shocks. Cluster will study their
spatial structure, how particles are accelerated, and how the observed
plasma waves are generated.
- Cluster will study entry of solar wind plasma into the
magnetosheath. The tetrahedral configuration of
Cluster and the variable separation of the spacecraft will permit Cluster
to study how solar wind particles gain entry into the magnetosheath and
magnetosphere. Processes that can be investigated include direct entry
through the polar cusp, reconnection, instabilities, boundary layer
turbulence, and other processes occurring at the magnetopause.
- Cluster will investigate the origin of energetic particles in the
magnetosphere. We will identify particle storage and acceleration
regions and their
relationships. Cluster will help to identify the injection
mechanisms for
different energetic charged particle species into the stable trapping
regions during geophysical events.
- Cluster will study the equatorial magnetosphere. Cluster passes
through the equatorial plane
at both at apogee and perigee. In the plasmasphere and plasmapause
regions Cluster data will characterize the source regions and
spatial extents of whistler-mode plasma waves responsible for the
acceleration and loss of energetic particles within and immediately
outside this boundary, including chorus, plasmaspheric hiss, and
lightning-generated whistlers. As Cluster moves through
the near-Earth plasma sheet it will determine the shape and plasma flow
characteristics of the
plasma sheet boundary layer, including the how the boundary layer
transitions into the central plasma sheet. Cluster will also study
reconnection and particle acceleration processes in the near-Earth plasma
- Cluster will investigate the auroral zone. Cluster will
determine the flow of plasma from and to the ionosphere during the perigee
passes and will
determine the spatial scales of acceleration processes occurring within
the auroral zone. Cluster, in conjunction with ground-based experiments,
will study the low- and mid-latitude projections of boundary field lines
that map into the Earthıs auroral zone.
download .pdf version of ISTP/Cluster proposal
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Last Updated: 06/22/2001