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The Polar Mission |
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>Polar |
>June 7-8, 2006 Workshop |
>Meeting Agenda |
Wednesday, June 7th
Thursday, June 8th
8:45 Welcome and opening remarks
9:00 C. Pollock Headquarters' Report
9:15 K. Trattner The Location of the reconnnection line during southward IMF
9:40 M. Chandler An Investigation of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer at Mid-Altitudes
10:05 F. Mozer Electron scale size structures are everywhere:
Are they electron diffusion regions?
10:30 Break
10:45 J. Scudder Delineating the Electron Diffusion: Theory and Observations
11:10 J. Niehof Are cusp diamagnetic cavities (CDC) in force balance with the
surrounding magnetosphere?
11:35 T. Moore Geospace Storms and Thermal Ions in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
12:00 Lunch
1:00 J.B. Blake Substorm of 27 Aug 2001 Revisited
1:25 C. Meng Response of Auroral Power to Various Solar Wind Coupling Functions
1:50 M. Schulz Analytical Expressions for Flux-Tube Volume in a Field-Line Model
of the Ring Current
2:15 A. Hull Recent Polar results at Earth's bow shock
2:35 G. Germany Auroral Activity and Ionospheric Outflow
3:00 C. Russell Investigation of Multiple onset of substorms by Polar Spacecraft
3:30 Break
4:00 Polar Operations Discussion
8:45 M. Klida Electron pitch angle distribution observations and simulations
pertaining to losses from the inner magnetosphere
9:10 M. Fillingim Relating global auroral images to plasma sheet observations
during auroral activity
9:35 C. Russell ULF spectrum in the magnetosphere observed by MFE
10:00 M. Walt Pitch Angle Scattering of Electrons in the Outer Magnetosphere
10:25 Break
10:45 J.B. Blake Observations of the GCR with Polar
11:10 T. Mulligan Polar Observations of GCR Modulation and the Associated
Solar Wind Disturbances
11:35 H. Spence Spectral Analysis of GCR Modulation Observed by HIST
12:00 Lunch
1:00 W. Peterson Photoelectron Emissions in the 10 - 1000 eV Range Created by
Solar Emissions in the 1.2 - 120 nm range and VLF Induced
Electron Precipitation
1:25 T. Fritz Three-dimensional pitch angle distributions of cusp energetic
particles observed by ISEE-1 and their implications
1:50 K. Liou IMF control of auroral substorm expansion
2:15 J. Chen Cusp diamagnetic cavity (CDC) observations:
A challenge for theory and simulation
2:40 C. Russell Detection of mirror mode waves in the magnetotail by the Polar Spacecraft
3:05 J. Sigwarth Wrap up and plans for next meeting
3:30 Adjourn