Data Policy for ISTP/NASA funded Missions and Instruments

Data Policy for ISTP/NASA funded Missions and Instruments

Approved: March 19, 1996
Revisions: February 18, 1997.


The ISTP program is predicated on the concept of placing a constellation of satellites at key positions within the Sun-Earth connected system to obtain simultaneous, comprehensive and closely coordinated data. The accomplishment of the scientific objectives of the program is dependent upon the availability of these coordinated data sets for analysis by members of the mission science teams, their co- investigators, associates, and students, and as quickly as possible, by scientists selected as guest investigators and by the general scientific community. The purpose of this document is to set forth the rights and obligations of the Principal Investigators (PI) with the various missions and the various associates and collaborators who wish access to the data.

Missions, Instruments and Investigations Covered

The ISTP/NASA funded missions, instruments and investigations consist of the spacecraft in the Global Geospace Science program (GGS): Wind, Polar, and collaborating spacecraft, plus the associated ground-based investigations and theory investigations; the instruments on Geotail: CPI and EPIC; the MDI, LASCO and UVCS instruments on SOHO, and ground-based investigations.

Data Use Policy

The GGS Science Team stands ready to work with the community at large in joint publications and analyses and encourage such initiatives.

Webmaster: Natalie Jaquith

Responsible NASA Official: Barbara L. Giles
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 696
(301) 286-0447
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