Proposed Priority Science Operations Topic

Topic 3: 'Coupling Through the Cusp, Low-Latitude Boundary Layer and the Mantle'


The coupling of energy and momentum across the magnetopause and its boundary layers remains a fundamental issue in the dynamics of the magnetosphere and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. High latitude convecton patterns are driven by this interaction. We don't understand which parts of these boundaries are directly coupled to the interplanetary field lines and which are closed. POLAR offers a unique opportunity, in conjunction with the other ISTP satellites and ground based data, to investigate the coupling processes, the dynamics of the cusp and boundary layers, and the origin of the magnetospheric convective electric field. The magnetic field lines threading the cusp, the low-latitude boundary layer and the high latitude boundary layer or mantle map to a small region of the high-latitude dayside ionosphere. POLAR can provide in-situ passes through these regions in the high latitude magnetosphere, watching the temporal evolution as the regions are slowly traversed, while simultaneously imaging the ionospheric effects from above. Ground based radar and magnetometer measurements and DMSP fast-cuts through the region will help to sort out tempral and spatial effects. The study expands to global scales when we add Geotail skimming the magnetopause and Interball and IMP-8 magnetopause crossings.


Dayside, from ascending node to apogee. MLT 0900 to 1400 UT emphasis between 0800 and 1800.


EFE: 0-20 Hz MFE: 0-20 Hz UVI: UV images of dayside region VIS: UV images of dayside region Other instruments: normal operations


Dayside auroral oval


WIND: solar wind monitoring Geotail: crossing or skimming magntopause and LLBL Interball: magnetopause/boundary layer crossings DMSP: dayside skimmer passes, cuts through the cusp and boundary layers (no pre-coordination needed) By scheduling POLAR passes in the 0800-1800 UT range the following ground facilities will be useful: Superdarn Sondrestrom Eiscat Canopus

Topic Proposed by: N. C. Maynard


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