Proposed Priority Science Operations Topic
SPOT No. 9, Topic 'POLAR-GEOTAIL Study of Polar Cap'
Topic Description
Background: Plasma and field (both electric and magnetic) data corresponding
to the periods when GEOTAIL is skimming through the magnetopause at low
latitudes and POLAR is cutting the magnetopause field lines at high latitudes
but at lower altitudes can provide a unique opportunity to study the
generation and propagation of broadband waves observed in the low latitude
boundary layer and polar cap boundary layer. The study would provide
estimates of the so-called ³viscous interaction² at the magnetopause and
the formation of the boundary layer itself. It would be possible to identify
the free-energy source for broadband waves, and also to assess the role of
these waves in the heating and acceleration of the plasma ions (H+, He+, O+).
Science Investigations: We wish to acquire the coordinated set of in-situ
plasma particles (electrons, protons, He+, and O+) data from a few eV to a
few hundreds of keV, magnetometer data, wave electric and magnetic field data
from a few Hz to 50 kHz from GEOTAIL and POLAR.
GEOTAIL skimming through the magnetopause and POLAR on the same field line
(that maps to GEOTAIL position at the magnetopause). Time sector 05-18 hours
PWI WBR: 22 kHz filter cycling between the Eu and loop antennas (5 minutes
on loop, 1 minute on Eu). PWI HFWR: 6-channel (6 point waveform, not
interferometry) normal telemetry mode with 16 kHz filter.
PWI SFR: 26 Hz-808 kHz with SFR-A on Eu and SFR-B on loop antenna.
MFE: DC Magnetometer data. TIDE, TIMAS, and HYDRA plasma (cold and
energetic particles) data. UVI: Auroral images.
UVI, visible, x-ray imaging
GEOTAIL MGF: DC Magnetic field. CPI and LEP: plasma (cold and energetic
particles) data. Electric and magnetic wave data from wideband receiver
and high-frequency wave capture receiver.
WIND IMF and solar wind plasma (proton He++) data can be used to assess
the role of solar wind ram pressure and IMF on the boundary layer waves.
(link added by SPOF-staff D. Berdichevsky, Jul. 5, 1997)
Topic Proposed by: Bruce T. Tsurutani,Gurbax Lakhina,John K. Arballo,Christian M. Ho,Amy Boonsiriseth,Jolene S. Pickett