93010 0300 93010 1400 PC/BzS/BzN 8 B fied rising bw 3 and 6hs, Bz South from ~5hs 93088 0900 93088 2100 BzN 8 93174 1400 93174 2000 BzN 8 With high B (~23nT), bulk velocity (V) reaches 94062 1900 94065 1730 BzN 8 KPs show a quiet magnetosphere from start 94225 0630 94225 0930 BzN 8 94236 0000 94236 1900 BzN 8 ~19 hrs of Bz north BzN aligned B field, and sharp ram PCs, 95001 1940 95003 1930 IR W From LSS to HSS, starts at a forward IS, with BzN, it includes Period starts with BzN, followed by EyC and B strongly 95039 0600 95039 2200 IMC/BzS/BzN W/8 |B| peaks at 15nT near noon, (axis in ecliptic) 95039 1400 95041 2000 BzN W/8 95064 2300 95067 2000 BzN W Extended periods of B aligned with the N(GSM) direction BzS, BzN periods, EyCs, ram and B field PCs, 95082 0940 95086 1920 IR W From LSS to 500 Km/s SW, with BzN in DOY 83, strong 95092 1730 95094 0330 BzN W Bz/|B|~ 1 in part of day 93, |B|~ 9-10nT, 95096 0330 95096 1700 BzN W/8 Accompanied with increases in Mag. and Ram 95105 0500 95108 1620 SBC/BzN W With recurrent periods of moderate PCs 95119 1800 95122 0100 BzN W 95135 1720 95137 2350 IR/BzS/BzN W With BzS after strong EyC, see entry below 95149 0450 95151 0450 IR W From 400Km/s to HSS, starting with BzN, and B field accompanyied by smooth EyC and BzS to BzN rotation of the B field 95182 0600 95183 2230 BzN W 95205 0800 95205 1710 BzN/EyC/PC W With a B field value of near 20nT, 95234 2200 95235 1200 IMC/BzS/BzN W With Bz South turning North near 7:00 8/23, 95291 2200 95292 2400 IMC/BzS/BzN W/8 B field rotates S->N, reaches above 30nT 95301 0300 95301 2000 BzN W/8 B field peaks near 1200UT above 7nT. 95327 2300 95331 0100 BzN W & W/8 Very quiet magnetospheric period 95335 2350 95336 0530 BzN W/8 95338 2330 95341 1200 BzN W/8 Predominently North IMF extended times of BzS and BzN 95347 0040 95347 2000 BzN/PC W/8 Period of approx. steady B field 95349 0440 95349 0440 IS W/8 IS with large ram PC while BzN extended intervals of BzS and BzN 95352 0040 95352 0930 BzN W/8 95353 2020 95354 0330 BzN W 95354 1520 95354 2140 BzN W At 95354 2140 W leaves the SW, 95365 1800 96001 0900 BzN W/8 North IMF with extended periods |B|~Bz 96016 1000 96016 1400 BzN W 96020 1530 96021 1700 BzN/SBC W Period with multiple SBCs 96022 0030 96022 1100 BzN W/8 96023 0100 96024 0900 BzN W Observed only at WIND while IMP-8 in the SW 96028 0900 96028 2000 BzN W 96030 0300 96030 2130 BzN W of multiple SBCs, PCs, EyCs, and BzS/BzN 96065 2015 96066 0800 BzN W Observed a predominantly North IMF 96076 1240 96076 1820 BzN/PC/EyC W/8 Period with several sharp and strong EyCs 96083 2330 96085 1900 EyC/BzS/BzN W/8 Period with multiple EyCs while GE in the SW 96089 0600 96089 1800 BzN W GE is also in the SW 96094 0600 96095 2100 BzN/BzS/EyC/PC W/8 Interval of broad structures in IMF and 96097 1630 96097 2300 BzN W/8 96098 1200 96099 1830 BzN W/8 96117 0230 96118 1815 BzN W 96119 0545 96119 1520 BzN W/8 96128 1300 96128 1800 BzN W 96132 0500 96133 0900 BzN W/8 96135 1930 96136 0700 SBC/BzN/BzS W/8 96138 0100 96139 0700 PC/BzN/BzS W/8 Period starting with BzNfollowed by approx. 24hs 96140 0000 96140 0900 PC/BzN W IMF predominantly North 96140 1600 96141 0300 EyC,BzS,BzN W Period of strong EyCs with IMF predominantly S 96149 0610 96150 1030 BzN W Sharp PCs during the period of time in DOY 150 96157 1400 96158 0200 BzN W/8 96159 1730 96160 0530 BzN W/8 96165 1000 96166 0130 BzN W 96167 0000 96167 1500 PC/EyC/BzN W 96168 0200 96169 0300 BzS/BzN W/8 Period starts with IMF Sand ends N, while 96174 1500 96175 1500 BzN/PC W/8 Period with multiple PCs 86182 1200 86182 2100 BzN W/8 96192 0000 96192 1230 BzN W 96194 2100 96195 0900 BzN/EyC W/8 96196 0300 96196 2100 BzN/EyC W/8 96198 0300 96198 1299 BzN W/8 96221 0600 96222 1200 BzN W/8 96226 0110 96226 0640 BzN W/8 96235 0530 96235 1000 BzN W/8 96253 1200 96254 1815 PC/EyC/BzN/BzS W 96290 2330 96291 0830 BzN W 96301 0840 96301 1630 BzN W/8 96302 0850 96302 1420 BzN W/8 96310 0720 96310 1800 PC/BzS/BzN W/8 96342 0600 96343 0000 PC/BzS/BzN W 96348 2200 96349 0900 BzN W/8 96354 0200 96354 2100 BzN W 96358 1000 96360 0540 BzN W/8 with IMF BzN, turning toward BzS the next day 97010 1600 97011 0630 BzN W/8 97039 0010 97039 0650 BzN W 97049 1430 97049 2120 BzN W 97050 0130 97050 2000 BzN W IMF predominantly northward 97051 1915 97052 0030 BzN/EyC/PC W Ram PC due to increase of the SW velocity 97079 1400 97080 1200 PC/BzN/BzS W/8 97079 1600 97080 0515 BzN W/8 97100 0100 97100 1540 BzN W/8 Period of a proton plasma density of about 16 p/cc 97100 1300 97101 2110 IR/BzS/BzN/MISC W/8 ISTP Sun-Earth Connection Event 97101 0520 97101 1520 BzN/MISC W/8 Sun ejecta hit Earth, the IMF reaches steady values 97145 1045 97145 1910 BzN W IMF show structure while mostly North 97145 1930 97146 0940 BzN W IMF show structure while mostly North 97146 0910 97146 1610 PC/BzS/BzN W 97166 1320 97167 0130 BZN/BzS/BzN/PC W Period of an IMF oriented predominantly nortward 97184 0400 97184 0700 BzN W Period of nearly north aligned IMF 97184 1720 97184 2230 BzN 8 97197 1445 97198 0340 BzN W 97215 0000 97215 0659 BzN W 97215 2015 97216 0345 BzN W 97216 0345 97216 2200 PC/BzN W IMF predominantly oriented North 97217 0500 97217 0930 PC/BzN W/8 Interval of increased ram and IMF pressure 97219 0615 97220 0900 SBC/PC W/8 Interval with predominantly BzN IMF 97219 1240 97219 2040 BzN W 97223 0540 97223 0840 BzN W low ion beta interval 97239 1330 97239 1940 BzN W 97264 2200 97266 1150 BzN W 97274 1650 97275 2310 BzN W Interval ending with IMF aligned almost completely N predominantly northward (BzN) 97278 0330 97278 1615 BzN W 97279 0115 97279 1600 BzN/LSS W 97280 2140 97281 0400 BzN/EyC W/8 Period with multiple nearly North aligned IMF, 97283 2200 97285 0000 IMC/BzS/BzN W Also IMP-8 data toward the end of the IMC 97287 1440 97287 2220 BzN W/8 97287 2330 97288 0900 BzN W GEOTAIL in the SW 97300 0615 97300 1600 BzN W 97308 0220 97308 2250 MISC/PC/BzS/BzN W/8 possibly an Ejecta/IMC, GEOTAIL in the SW 97314 1545 97315 0015 BzN W Interval of BzN except from 2015 to 2045 UT 97320 0200 97320 2120 SBC/BzS/BzN/PC W/8 97326 1305 97327 1250 BzS/BzN/BzS W Ejecta, possibly IMC. Sustained IMF of 25 nTa or 97336 0130 97336 1000 BzN W 97342 0530 97343 0140 BzN W/8 Interval of relative low beta-p, low ram Pressure 97344 1840 97348 1610 BzS/BzN W/8 Ejecta, extended low beta-p event. IMP-8 made several 97353 0500 97354 0400 EyC/BzN W 97360 0100 97360 0830 BzN W/8 97364 0115 97364 0800 EyC/BzS/BzN W 97364 0800 97365 0500 BzS/BzN/MISC W Ejecta, possibly an IMC 98003 2140 98004 0900 BzN W 98007 0300 98008 0730 IMC/BzN W/8 98008 2350 98009 0410 BzN W/8 Approx. one hour shifted in time in going from WI to I8 98009 1540 98009 2040 BzN W 98018 1140 98019 2050 BzN/PC/SBC/EyC W/8 Interval with multiple EyC and SBC with above 98020 2300 98021 0330 BzN/MISC W IMF Northward during interval of a mostly low beta region 98021 0520 98022 1140 BzN W/8 98024 0540 98024 1500 BzN/PC/MISC W Time period contains a 180 Deg. smooth rotation in longitude 98032 2140 98033 1845 BzN W/8 98047 0400 98048 1810 BzN W 98049 2110 98050 0715 BzN W Possible interval of observation of an IMC 98052 0300 98052 1330 BzN W 98053 1940 98054 0000 BzN W/8 IMF oriented North, at IMP-8 interval starts and ends 40 minutes later 98056 1800 98057 1600 BzN W/8 98064 0800 98065 0630 BzN/PC W Interval of steady magnitude of IMF with multiple PCs 98065 1200 98065 2200 BzN W/8 98066 0940 98068 0540 BzN W/8 Interval of predominantly north BzN 98084 1830 98085 1000 BzN W/8 98093 0125 98093 2215 BzN/EyC W/8 Period of a predominantly northward IMF 98095 1430 98095 2230 BzN W/8 98096 0030 98096 0900 BzN W/8 98102 1100 98103 1810 BzN W Period with extended interval of almost completely 98108 1320 98109 1400 BzN W/8 98110 1320 98110 2230 BzN/MISC W Ejecta material?, interval of radial IMF 98135 2140 98136 2330 BzN W Period of predominantly BzN IMF 98139 1500 98140 0630 BzN W 98142 1415 98142 2110 BzN W/8 98144 2045 98145 0100 BzN W 98147 0200 98147 0740 BzN/PC W/8 98148 0500 98148 1030 BzN W 98152 0725 98153 0000 SBC/BzN W Interval of multiple SBCs and predominently 98153 1030 98153 2215 BzS/BzN/BzS W Interval showing possible multiple Ejecta, GEOTAIL in the SW 98156 0010 98156 0050 PC/BzN/EyC W 98160 1800 98161 0700 BzN/EyC W Multiple EyCs with IMF predominantly North 98166 1400 98166 0310 BzN W/8 98166 0815 98167 0500 EyC/BzS/BzN W/8 IMF is first mainly South and then North 98168 1330 98169 0700 MISC/BzS/BzN W/8 Period showing smooth rotation of the IMF (Ejecta?) 98169 2000 98171 0630 IR/BzS/BzN/PC/EyC W/8 IR with a possible pressure wave ahead of IR 98174 0700 98174 1630 BzN/PC W GEOTAIL in the SW 98232 0900 98233 2020 IMC/BzS/BzN W A catalogued IMC 99106 1700 99107 1700 IMC/BzS/BzN W/ACE Highly geoeffective event, 99125 1200 99125 1700 BzN/PC/EyC ACE 99178 1630 99179 0300 BzS/BzN/MISC W/ACE Fast Ejecta (>500 km/s) 99208 1700 99209 0300 BzS/BzN/MISC W/ACE IMF large rotation, possibly flux-rope 99212 0430 99212 1900 BzN W/ACE Interval of predominantly north IMF 99249 0600 99249 1800 BzN ACE 99252 1200 99252 2300 BzN/EyC ACE A mainly north IMF with multiple south turns 99254 0815 99254 2300 BzN ACE IMF mostly northward (GSM) 99265 2130 99267 0100 BzN/BzS/PC/EyC W/ACE Ejecta possibly related to Sept 20 H-CME 99266 0500 99268 BzN W/ACE Period of predominantly BzN 99294 0430 99295 0610 PC/BzN/BzS/MISC W/ACE Period with ejecta signatures in the solar wind, possibly 99306 1230 99309 2030 BzN W/ACE Interval of a predominantly Northward IMF 99309 2230 99310 0840 BzN/MISC W/ACE IMF rotates approx. 180 Deg. in Azimuth (Ejecta/IMC?) 99310 2330 99312 0100 PC/BzS/BzN/SBC W/ACE Interval with multiple changes in solar wind conditions (Ejecta?) 99324 0130 99324 1000 BzN W/ACE 99324 1100 99324 2100 BzN W/ACE 99325 0500 99325 1600 MISC/BzN W/ACE SW in this interval is of a relatively low proton temperature (ejecta?) 99329 2000 99331 2100 BzN W/ACE 99333 1200 99334 0000 BzN W/ACE 99335 0200 99335 1700 BzN ACE 99335 2100 99336 2100 BzN ACE 99357 0230 99357 2100 BzN/SBC/PC W/ACE Interval of an IMF north, and multiple SBCs and PCs 99363 0800 99363 1300 BzN W/ACE 99363 2140 99364 1600 BzN W/ACE Time interval of a mostly northward IMF 00010 2040 00011 1430 BzN W/ACE Interval period of a mainly northward IMF 00014 0000 00015 0016 BzN ACE Interval period of a mainly northward IMF 00019 0400 00019 1200 BzN ACE Time interval of approx. completely northward IMF & low Tp (Ejecta?) 00023 0200 BzN W/ACE 00042 1640 00042 2050 BzN W/ACE Possibly part of ejecta and/or IMC 00052 1300 00053 1220 IMC/BzN W/ACE 00073 0530 00073 2100 BzN/MISC W/ACE Interval overlaps with extended period of low proton density 00079 1800 00080 0800 BzN W/ACE Interval of mostly northward IMF 00094 2100 00096 1000 BzS/BzN/EyC W/ACE Extended alternating interval of predominantly out of the ecliptic IMF 00097 1700 00098 0700 BzS/BzN/EyC/PC W/ACE Strongly geoeffective sheath region, ejecta related, 00104 0400 00106 0700 BzS/BzN/MISC ACE Mostly smooth variation of above average Sun-Earth oriented IMF (Ejecta?) 00121 0500 00121 1100 BzN W/ACE 00121 1700 00121 2240 BzN W/ACE 00123 1100 00123 2200 BzN W/ACE 00128 1800 00129 1600 BzN W/ACE Interval contains extended times of almost completely northward IMF 00156 0400 00156 1920 BzN/MISC W/ACE Also a low density interval 00157 0000 00157 2000 PC/BzS/BzN/EyC W/ACE A mainly low proton beta interval (it may contain ejecta) 00157 1130 00158 0700 BzN/PC W/ACE Interval with multiple PCs and a predominantly northward IMF 00163 1242 00163 2100 PC/EyC/BzS/BzN ACE Possibly IR 00163 1700 00163 2300 BzN W/ACE 00176 0630 00177 1800 BzN/MISC W/ACE Possibly ejecta (low Tp interval) 00181 1000 00186 1200 BzN W/ACE Interval of a predominantly northward IMF 00192 1800 00193 0030 BzN ACE 00198 0700 00201 2000 BzN/MISC W/ACE The observed interval of mostly BzN oriented IMF appears to be like a HSS 00202 0000 00203 0400 BzS/BzN W/ACE Interval of more than 10 hrs of BzS followed by similar extension of BzN 00202 1200 00202 2000 BzN W/ACE 00205 0300 00205 1000 BzN W/ACE 00205 2000 00207 1200 BzN W/ACE Interval contains extended periods of almost totally northward IMF 00209 0400 00209 1900 BzN/MISC W/ACE Interval of a low proton beta, possibly Ejecta 00210 17 00211 07 BzN W/ACE 00225 0400 00226 2200 MISC/IMC/BzS/BzN W/ACE Interval appears to be ejecta and contains an IMC 00236 2000 00237 0100 BzN ACE IMF mostly oriented North 00237 0700 00239 0600 BzN W/ACE 00252 2000 00253 0200 BzN ACE 00259 0300 00259 1630 BzN ACE 00260 1800 00261 0000 EyC/BzS/BzN/BzS ACE 00261 0000 00261 1100 BzN ACE Interval of a mostly northward IMF 00261 1540 00261 1900 BzN ACE Interval with periods of intense IMF 00261 1700 00261 1700 IS ACE Strong field compression while BzN 00262 0100 00263 1200 BzN/MISC W/ACE Interval contains periods of a B-field almost totally northward 00275 1900 00276 0430 BzN ACE 00277 1500 00278 1000 BzN/BzS ACE Possibly IMC 00279 1600 00280 1000 MISC/BzS/BzN ACE Possibly flux-rope 00280 0000 00282 1000 BzN ACE 00282 1600 00283 1600 BzN ACE 00286 2140 00287 1200 EyC/PC/BzS/BzN W/ACE Sheath region behind IP shock, ahead of ejecta 00292 2100 00295 1300 BzN ACE IMF is mostly northward (structure seen also at Y_GSE(WIND) = -220?) 00311 2300 00312 1800 IMC/BzS/BzN W/ACE 00312 1200 00313 0900 BzN W 00316 0300 00316 1300 BzN W/ACE Interval is dominated by HSS and contains a fast forward IS 00319 0000 00321 1200 BzN W/ACE The IMF appears to be predominantly northward 00321 1200 00323 1400 LSS/BzN W/ACE The 1 minute average IMF appears to be mostly northward
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Last updated: November 27, 2000