93030 2300 93031 0900 IR/BzS 8 Simultaneous to mple. bow shock crossings 93153 2000 93155 0300 IR 8 Corrotating IR after a LSS (~330Km/s), 94148 1400 94149 0600 IR 8 Stream-stream interactive region, press here 94330 0100 94331 1200 IR W From LSS to HSS, it includes periods of sharp 94339 2100 94340 0640 IR W/8 From LSS to HSS, it includes SBCs, periods of strong 95001 1940 95003 1930 IR W From LSS to HSS, starts at a forward IS, with BzN, it includes 95016 0110 95018 0600 BzS/IR/PC/SBC W Pressure increases to 18nPa and 20nT near DOY 18 95028 1800 95030 1000 IR W From LSS to HSS with ram and magnetic PCs, SBCs. 95041 2300 95044 1300 IR W From LSS to HSS with ram and B field PCs 95056 1440 95060 0720 IR W From LSS to HSS, starting with BzS, and strong EyCs, 95068 0100 95071 0220 IR W From 400 Km/s SW to HSS, including SBCs, 95082 0940 95082 0940 IS W Forward shock, start of the IR, ISTP Sun-Earth Connection Event 97173 0300 97175 0000 IR/EyC/PC W 97178 0100 97178 1300 IR/PC/EyC W 97188 0200 97189 0000 IR W 97199 0030 97199 2330 IR/EyC W 97205 0000 97205 1900 IR/PC/EyC/SBC W/8 97211 1640 97212 1300 IR W 97239 2000 97240 1100 IR/EyC/SBC W Interval with multiple sharp SBCs 97245 2240 97247 0900 IR/EyC/PC W SW low-high speed stream IR 98039 1000 98040 1800 EyC/PC/SBC W/8 Period with multiple EyC, SBC and PC, a possible stream-stream IR 98069 0030 98070 0000 IR/EyC/BzS/PC W/8 Period with SW speed changing from under 300 to 550 km/s and 98080 0300 98080 2045 IR/EyC/PC/BzS,N W/8 98107 0100 98108 1520 IR/EyC/PC W/8 98148 1430 98149 2330 IR/EyC/PC/BSC W Interval of time with GEOTAIL in the SW 98154 0320 98154 15 IR/EyC/SBC/PC W/8 Interval contains a sharp ramPressure pulse 98156 1100 98158 0045 IR/EyC/PC W/8 98169 2000 98171 0630 IR/BzS/BzN/PC/EyC W/8 IR with a possible pressure wave ahead of IR 99138 0015 99138 1910 IR/EyC/PC W Possibly CIR interval 99202 0900 99203 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE Period with multiple EyCs, 99227 0941 99229 0140 IR/EyC/PC ACE A low-high speed stream-stream SW interaction region 99235 1140 99238 2200 IR W/ACE 99255 0352 99256 1630 IR/EyC W/ACE 99269 1850 99270 1600 IR W/ACE low-high speed stream-stream interaction region 99282 1500 99283 1100 SBC/PC/EyC W/ACE Possibly part of IR, from low to fast speed stream 99283 0900 99287 2200 PC/EyC/MISC W/ACE Possibly extended low-high speed stream-stream IR 99294 0140 99296 IR W/ACE IR/EyC/PC and well above historical magnetic field strength in the heliosphere, 99337 0800 99339 0800 IR/EyC/BzS W/ACE 99364 1600 99364 1600 SBC/EyC/PC/MISC ACE Magnetic hole at SBC and possibly IR interface 00027 1356 00027 2322 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE Strong corotating compression region between slow and high speed SW streams 00036 1450 00037 0530 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE 00054 1200 00055 1408 IR/PC/EyC W/ACE A near monotonic rise of the solar wind speed from 400 to 800 km/s 00055 1408 00055 1408 IS ACE IR related Reverse fast shock, spike in keV shock energized particles 00072 0200 00072 1500 PC/EyC/SBC W/ACE Possible slow-fast stream-stream IR 00082 1100 00082 1800 CIR W/ACE 00108 0400 00108 0940 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE 00115 0400 IR W/ACE 00123 0900 00123 1300 IR/SBC/EyC W/ACE Low density interval, and in part very fast (solar wind V>900km/s) Ejecta? 00133 1400 00134 0800 IR/PC/EyC W/ACE 00150 0600 00151 0140 IR W/ACE 00159 00160 09 IR/MISC W/ACE IR possibly associated to more than one polarity HSS interval 00160 0904 00160 1100 PC/EyC/IR W/ACE 00163 1242 00163 2100 PC/EyC/BzS/BzN ACE Possibly IR 00167 0100 00167 1220 IR W/ACE 00175 1227 00176 0720 EyC/PC/IR W/ACE 00193 1124 00193 2300 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE 00218 0000 00218 0800 PC/EyC/BzS ACE Possible an IR bw slow and fast SW streams, also IS possible at ~0400UT 00240 1700 00242 0900 IR W/ACE 00267 1345 00268 0210 IR/EyC/PC W/ACE Interval contains multiple EyCs and PCs (Y-GSE(WI) = -250 RE) 00267 1345 00268 0210 BzS ACE A mostly southward IMF (during extended slow-fast stream-stream IR) 00288 1300 00289 0800 IR W/ACE 00309 0150 00310 0800 IR/PC/SBC/EyC W/ACE Possibly LSS-HSS interaction (HSS related to coronal hole)
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Last updated: November 27, 2000