93067  2130	93068  0600	IS/BzS		8	Magnetopause seen at geosync, 
94052  0900	94052  0900	IS		8	Very strong forward shock, followed by other 
94148  1400	94148  1400	IS		8	During a BzS period, Np up to ~100/cc
94339  2100	94339  2100	IS		W
95001  1940	95001  1940	IS		W	click here for more 
95097  2020	95097  2020	IS		W/8	350Km/s, |B| 2.5->5nT,
95236  2210	95236  2210	IS		W	Foward IS w.ramP. 4->8-9nPa, B 7->13nT, Vth 20->27Km/s
95291  0930     95291  0930     IS              W/8     Strong foward IS on 1995-10-18
95292  1750	95290  1750	IS		W/8	Forward IP shock in ejecta
95300  0822	95300  0822	IS		W/8
95308  1410	95308  1410	IS		W	
95331  0822	95331  0822	IS		W	a strong-fast Sun-Earth connection event
98251  1700	98251  1700	IS		W
98267  2320	98267  2320	IS		W	The beginning of the observation of a strong
98275  0700	98275  0700	IS		W
98291  2128	98291  2128	IS		W	Ejecta driven fast IP shock
98311  0800	98311  0800	IS		W	IS possibly related to Ejecta (IMC?)
98312  0400	98312  0400	IS		W	IS possibly related to IMC
98316  1615	98316  1615	IS		W	IS possibly related to Ejecta
98317  0140	98317  0140	IS		8/W
99049  0240	99049  0240	IS		W	Strong IS, possibly Sun-Earth connection event 
99084  0420	99084  0420	IS		ACE	shock possibly driven by ejecta
99106  1110	99106  1110	IS		W/8
99125  1500	99125  1500	IS		ACE	event with SEP and H-CME association, starting at Sun
99138  0015     99138  0015	IS		W	a forward IP shock
99138  1910	99138  1910	IS		W	a reverse IP shock
99177  0220	99177  0220	PC/MISC		W	Also a tangential discontinuity at WIND.
99177  1925	99177  1925	IS		W/ACE	Shock possibly related to Ejecta (H-CME observed with LASCO on June 24?)
99187  1424	99187  1424	IS		W	Forward fast shock, observed at 1416 UT, at ACE
99189  0410	99189  0410	IS		W
99193  0120	99193  0120	IS		ACE 	ACE/NRT, in LSS with BzS, also possibly tangential discontinuity
99203  0110	99203  0110	MISC		W	Possibly rotational discontinuity,
99211  1021	99211  1021	IS		ACE
99227  0941	99227  0921	IS		ACE	Forward fast interplanetary shock
99229  0140	99229  0140	IS		ACE	Reverse fast interplanetary shock
99235  1140	99235  1140	IS		ACE
99238  1750	99238  1750	PC		ACE	Plasma kinetic energy decreases (Reverse fast IS?)
99255  0352	99255  0352	IS		W	at ACE at 0320UT, strong spike in <2MeV ions
99258  0734	99258  0734	IS		W	at ACE at 0720UT, in fast stream (ejecta related?)
99258  2000	99258  2000	IS		W
99265  1145	99265  1145	IS		W/ACE	Strong IP shock possibly related to Sept 20 H-CME
99266  0910	99266  0900	IS		W	A reverse IP shock possibly related to the Ejecta
99270  1600	99270  1600	IS		ACE	Reverse IP shock
99287  2200	99287  2200	PC		ACE	A possible reverse IS or pressure pulse wave
99301  1130	99301  1130	IS		ACE	
99309  1915	99309  1915	EyC/PC/MISC	ACE	PC at Tangential Discontinuity
99310  0800	99310  0800	MISC		ACE	Magnetic hole
99310  1545	99310  1545	PC/MISC		ACE	PC (IS?) at/near Tangential or Rotational Discontinuity 
99311  1000	99311  1000	PC/MISC		ACE	Possibly stream-stream interface, at magnetic hole, 
99317  1210	99317  1210	IS		W/ACE	Fast forward IP shock during interval of mostly southward IMF
99323  2359	99323  2359	IS		ACE	Shock may be related to S15E70 solar transient approx. 10 UT on Nov. 17
99334  0600	99334  0600	PC		ACE	Possible IS
99364  1600	99364  1600	SBC/EyC/PC/MISC	ACE	Magnetic hole at SBC and possibly IR interface
99364  1750	99364  1750	PC		ACE	Possibly IS, Tangential or Rotational Discontinuity
00011  1340	00011  1340	IS		ACE	
00011  1900	00011  1900	PC		ACE	Possibly a slow reverse IS
00017  0000	00017  0000	SBC/MISC	ACE	Interplanetary magnetic field Tangential Discontinuity at SBC
00022  0023	00022  0023	IS		ACE	Shock possiby driven by a H-CME on Jan 18, 2000 
00027  1500	00027  1500	IS		W	1356UT at ACE
00027  2322	00027  2322	IS		ACE	Fast reverse shock
00030  1830	00030  1830	IS		ACE
00036  1450	00036  1450	IS		ACE
00042  0233	00042  0233	IS		W	0220 UT at ACE
00042  2328	00042  2328	IS		W	2319 UT at ACE. A very strong shock, possibly related to Halo CME
00045  0718	00045  0718	IS		W	0655 UT at ACE
00051  2100	00051  2100	IS		W	At ACE at 2040 UT. 
00052  0200	00053  1400	PC/MISC		W/ACE	Ejecta signatures
00055  1408	00055  1408	IS		ACE	IR related Reverse fast shock, spike in keV shock energized particles
00082  1754	00082  1754	IS		ACE	Reverse (R) IP shock
00088  1200	00089  1200	MISC/PC		W/ACE	Possibly ejecta, interval contains times of extremly low SW density
00097  1621	00096  1621	IS		W	Possibly a shock related to a  Halo CME on April 4, at ACE at 1605; 
00098  0916	00098  0916	IS		W	0825 at ACE; Reverse fast IP shock, with spike in MeV shock energized particles
00108  0940     00108  0940	IS		ACE	R fast IP shock low-fast stream-stream interaction region
00115  0850	00115  0850	IS		ACE	Shock may be related to 2113 UT AR 8966 (S23W45) m type II radio bursts
00122  1346	00122  1346	PC		ACE	Possibly weak fast forward IS
00134  0425	00134  0425	PC		ACE	possibly slow forward IS
00139  0140	00139  0140	PC		ACE	possibly slow forward IS
00139  0810	00139  0810	PC		ACE     possibly slow reverse IS
00151  0140	00151  0140	IS		ACE	Fast reverse IP shock at HSS
00156  1425	00156  1425	IS		ACE	Moderately strong fast forward shock with magnetic field north
00157  2000	00157  2000	PC/MISC		ACE	It could be a forward fast IS (if true, probably a very lateral impact!)
00160  0904	00160  0904	IS		W	0845 UT at ACE, related to H-CME, Type II sources may have been observe
00163  0720	00163  0720	IS		ACE	** Wind perigee pass **
00163  1242	00163  1242	IS		ACE
00167  1220	00167  1220	PC		W	A weak reverse fast IS?
00175  1227	00175  1227	IS		ACE	Moderately strong fast forward IS
00176  0720	00176  0720	PC		ACE	Possibly reverse fast IS
00192  0600	00192  0600	IS		ACE	A moderately strong fast forward IS
00193  1124	00193  1124	IS		ACE
00195  0900	00195  0900	IS		ACE	Fast forward IS
00195  0910	00195  0910	IS		ACE	Strong fast forward IS while BzS, possibly driven by ejecta
00196  1539	00196  1539	IS		W	Strong fast forward IS, while BzS, possibly driven by ejecta
00197  1218	00197  1218	IS		ACE	Very strong fast forward IS, approx 28 hours from Sun to Earth
00201  1450	00201  1450	IS		ACE
00208  1800	00208  1800	IS		ACE
00210  0639	00210  0639	IS		W	at 0540 UT at ACE, possibly in ejecta
00210  0910	00210  0910	IS		ACE
00224  1800	00224  1800	IS		ACE
00227  2200	00227  2200	PC		ACE	Possibly fast forward IS
00236  0700	00236  0700	PC		ACE	Possibly IS
00245  2210	00245  2210	PC/EyC		ACE	Possibly a weak fast forward IS
00248  1300	00248  1300	IS		ACE
00250  1610	00250  1610	IS		ACE
00259  0400	00259  0400	IS		ACE	ACE at L1, same IS is seen later by W (possibly related to H-CME on 9/12/00)
00259  0428	00259  0428	IS		W	W at Y_GSE = -230 RE. It seems to be the same IS seen by ACE at 0400 UT
00261  1700	00261  1700	IS		ACE	Strong field compression while BzN
00268  0210	00268  0210	PC		ACE	Possibly a (weak?) fast reverse IS
00277  0010	00277  0010	IS		ACE
00279  0240	00279  0240	IS		ACE	Geomagnetically effective IP shock
00286  2140	00286  2140	IS		ACE	strong IP shock
00296  0740	00296  0740	PC/SBC/MISC	ACE	SBC and PC at magnetic hole, 
00302  0545	00302  0545	IS		ACE
00302  0910	00302  0910	IS		ACE	Possibly related to Type II radio bursts on Oct 25-26, 2000)
00309  0221	00309  0221	IS		W	0150UT at ACE, Fast forward IS, moderately strong
00315  0620	00315  0620	IS		W	0604UT at ACE location (strong shock, SEP associated, Sun-Earth connect?)
00315  1108     00315  1108     PC/MISC		W       possibly slow reverse IS + tangential discontinuity
00316  0413	00316  0413	IS		W	0400UT at ACE, possible related to Sun-Earth connection, flare at 16UT, Nov 9, 2000
00331  0530	00331  0530	IS		W	Fast forward shock seen at 5UT by ACE
00331  1115	00331  1115	IS 		ACE	Fast forward shock, possibly Sun-Earth connection related

This server and the information being made available are evolving as the ISTP Project evolves.
  • Daniel Berdichevsky - Raytheon-ITSS Corporation at ISTP Science Planning and Operations Facility(SPOF) < b> (berdi@istp1.gsfc.nasa.gov)

  • NASA contact for these pages: Dr. R. Lepping, Code 696, email: rpl@leprpl1. gsfc.nasa.gov

    Last updated: November 27, 2000