93153 2000 93155 0300 IR 8 Corrotating IR after a LSS (~330Km/s), 93198 2250 93200 1900 LSS 8 94330 0100 94331 1200 IR W From LSS to HSS, it includes periods of sharp 94339 2100 94340 0640 IR W/8 From LSS to HSS, it includes SBCs, periods of strong 95001 1940 95003 1930 IR W From LSS to HSS, starts at a forward IS, with BzN, it includes 95014 95016 0110 LSS W/8 95028 1800 95030 1000 IR W From LSS to HSS with ram and magnetic PCs, SBCs. 95041 2300 95044 1300 IR W From LSS to HSS with ram and B field PCs 95053 1200 95057 0800 LSS W Bulk velocity below the 320 Km/s 95056 1440 95060 0720 IR W From LSS to HSS, starting with BzS, and strong EyCs, 95082 0940 95086 1920 IR W From LSS to 500 Km/s SW, with BzN in DOY 83, strong 95112 0600 95117 0800 IR/SBC W From LSS to HSS, with multiple SBC, and strong B field 95143 0300 95144 0440 IR W From LSS to HSS, with strong ram PCs, a SBC DOY 143 at 1230, 95169 0400 95170 1900 IR W From LSS to HSS, starting with 3 to 5 nPa ram PC 95191 0000 95195 1400 LSS W 95328 0600 95331 1100 LSS W & W/8 Period ending with about 24 hs of a 10 Deg. 95344 1200 95346 0500 LSS W & W/8 Period with mple. SBCs, PCs, 95347 1830 95349 0340 LSS/SBC/PC W/8 Multiple PCs, SBCs 96010 0700 96011 2100 LSS/SBC/PC W/8 Period with multiple PCs 96097 2300 96099 1300 LSS/PC W/8 96164 0000 96166 2100 LSS W 97024 1000 97026 0015 LSS W/8 97068 0450 97071 0000 LSS W 97077 1200 97080 1200 LSS W/8 97079 1200 97081 0900 IR W/8 LSS-400km/s stream-stream interaction 97099 0000 97100 1300 LSS W/8 97127 1200 97135 0115 LSS W/8 97142 2000 97150 1030 LSS W/8 97164 1300 97166 1900 LSS W GEOTAIL in the SW 97171 0600 97173 0300 LSS W/8 97182 1520 97184 0300 LSS W/8 Region with very low proton beta, GEOTAIL in the SW 97194 1730 97196 0240 LSS W/8 SW conditions are steady, with approx. radial 97217 2200 97219 0600 LSS W 97237 1200 97240 0000 LSS W 97245 0900 97245 2240 LSS W 97279 0115 97279 1600 BzN/LSS W 97286 1800 97296 0810 LSS W Period with intervals with IMP-8 and GEOTAIL in the SW 97333 1140 97334 0715 LSS W/8 97342 1245 97344 0430 LSS W/8 97346 2215 96354 1800 LSS W/8 97359 0700 97364 0115 LSS W IMP-8 in the SW during part of the interval 98015 1500 98016 1300 LSS W 98036 0000 98037 2300 LSS W 98066 1240 98069 0300 LSS W/8 98078 0130 98079 0845 LSS/PC/MISC W/8 Interval of multiple PCs and very low beta (protons) 98134 2200 98135 1350 LSS W/8 98233 2020 98234 1500 LSS/PC/EyC W 99172 0300 99177 0220 LSS W/ACE 99191 1200 99195 LSS W/ACE 99193 0120 99193 0120 IS ACE ACE/NRT, in LSS with BzS, also possibly tangential discontinuity 99355 2200 99357 0000 LSS W/ACE The SW speed reached below 280 km/s while proton density was low 00018 0800 00019 1700 LSS ACE A record low solar wind speed of 250km/s was observed on 1/19/2000 00075 0200 00077 1200 LSS W/ACE The initial part of the interval has a very low momentum flow solar wind 00078 0000 00078 1400 LSS W/ACE Solar wind velocity reaches below 280 km/s 00105 0000 00106 2000 LSS W/ACE Interval with solar wind speed reaching below 280 km/s in April 15 after 00130 0000 00133 1400 LSS W/ACE 00232 1800 00237 LSS W/ACE 00308 1200 00308 2400 LSS ACE 00309 0150 00310 0800 IR/PC/SBC/EyC W/ACE Possibly LSS-HSS interaction (HSS related to coronal hole) 00321 1200 00323 1400 LSS/BzN W/ACE The 1 minute average IMF appears to be mostly northward 00328 0300 00329 0400 LSS W/ACE
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