93153  2110     93153  2110     MISC            8       Tangential discontinuity
93198  0600     93198  0600	MISC		8	Rotational discont. (Bphi from 0 to 90 Degrees)
93200  0100	93200  0100	MISC		8	Tangential discont. (Bphi from 90 to 0 Degree) 
94065  2300	94066  0030	MISC		8	Flux Rope?, more on this interesting event
94335  1455	94335  1535	MISC		W	Moon eclipse of WIND spacecraft (at 140 Moon radii)
94340  0640     94349  1200     MISC            W       Bulk velocity above 500 Km/s for the whole period
94361  1442	94361  1518	MISC		W	Moon eclipse of WIND spacecraft (at 4 Moon radii 
95094  1230	95094  1520	PC/MISC		W	Sharp field/plasma PC, click here for more 
95191  0000	95192  0800	MISC		W	Quiet SW (very quiet period!)
95334  2200	95334  2200	MISC/SBC	W	Tangential Discontinuity at a SBC
95357  0150	95357  0150     MISC/PC/EyC	W	Tangential discontinuity
96020  1300     96020  1400	MISC		W/8     Flux rope structure
96028  1930	96028  2320     PC/EyC/MISC	W	Observed a gradual rotation of the IMF  
96034  1500	96035  0130	MISC		W	Observed SW V tilted in the N->S direction
96076  0850	96076  0850	SBC/MISC	W/8	Crossing with tangential discontinuity
96093  0700	96093  0730	MISC		W/8	Period of IMF values below 0.25nT while Np 
96138  0100	96138  0930	MISC		W	IMC?, start is approx simultaneous at I8 and GEOTAIL
96194  0130	96194  1700	MISC		W/8	Possibly ejecta
96219  1300	96219  1300	MISC		W/8	IMF seems to show a continuos series of SBCs
96225  0600	96225  0600	MISC		W/8	Possibly a tangential discontinuity
96231  0900	96231  1730	MISC		W/8	Interval of a radial IMF, ejecta? (low beta-proton value), seen by GEOTAIL
96235  1310	96235  1310	PC/MISC		W/8	A possible magnetic tangential discontinuity
96236  0240	96236  0515	MISC		W	A flux-rope interval?, ejecta related?
96236  1900	96236  2030	MISC		W	Interval of a radial IMF
96247  2330	96248  0700	MISC		W/8	Low proton-beta region, radial IMF
96253  2030	96253  2330	MISC		W	Large smooth rotation of IMF and high Np, low beta-proton
96262  2320	96262  2330	SBC/MISC	W	Magnetic field dip
96268  1200	96268  1400	MISC		W	Large angle IMF rotation
96272  1815	96272  1815	PC/MISC		W	Possibly a tangential discontinuity
96273  0500	96273  0630	MISC		W	Large IMF rotation and a strong decrease in magnitude
96275  0615	96275  1825	EyC/MISC	W	IMC?, low proton-beta region, wide angle azimuthal rotation
96276  0430	96276  1115	EyC/MISC	W	Low proton-beta region, IMP-8 crosses the bowshock
96288  1330	96288  2040	MISC		W/8	Interval of mostly radial IMF, GEOTAIL in the SW
96305  2100	96306  0015	MISC		W	Interval of a radial IMF
96313  0745	96313  1210	MISC		W	Low beta-proton interval, possibly flux-rope (ejecta?)
96316  1030	96316  2230	MISC		W	Interval with multiple magnetic flux-ropes possible (ejecta?), GEOTAIL in SW
96318  1200	96319  0200	PC/EyC/MISC	W	Interval contains times of low beta-proton, and possible flux-ropes (ejecta?)
96322  2130	96322  2130	IS/MISC		W	IMF and plasma data signature of an
96340  1500	96341  2100	MISC		W	Possibly ejecta interval
96350  1800	96350  2000	MISC		W/8	Interval of approx radial IMF, GEOTAIL not in the SW
97039  1000	97039  1500	EyC/PC/MISC	W	Period with sharp IMF variations in the 
97041  0240	97042  0140	BzS/MISC	W/8	Period with signature of a tangential 
97059  0000	97060  0000	BzS/PC/MISC	W/8	Interval contains low beta-proton intervals, radial IMF (ejecta, flux-rope)
97066  0000	97066  0000	MISC		W	SW speed discontinuty, close to Heliogr. sheet?
97081  1500	97082  0000	MISC		W/8	interval of an approx. radial IMF
97100  1300	97101  2110	IR/BzS/BzN/MISC W/8	ISTP Sun-Earth Connection Event
97101  0520	97101  1520	BzN/MISC	W/8	Sun ejecta hit Earth, the IMF reaches steady values
97146  1550	97147  2340	BzS/MISC	W	Region with very low proton beta, Ejecta?
97150  1430	97150  2030	MISC		W	Below average Np and very low proton beta, Ejecta?
97193  0440     97193  1800     MISC		W/8	Interval with IMF approx. radial, and low ion beta
97196  0620	97197  0515	BzS/MISC	W/8	Region with very low proton beta, Ejecta?
97229  0600	97230  1930	MISC		W	Interval of low ion beta, GEOTAIL in the SW
97244  0230	97244  1610	MISC		W/8	Radial IMF, low ion beta, GEOTAIL in the SW
97246  0700	97247  0110	MISC		W	Complex Ejecta structure with some 
97258  2330	97259  1600	MISC/EyC	W	Interval with IMF predominantly oriented south (BzS)
97261  0350	97264  1415	MISC		W	Period with extended intervals of low ion beta, and
97267  0000	97268  0900	MISC		W/8	Region of below normal IMF strength
97274  1140	97275  2310	MISC		W	extended strong IMF, ejecta/IMC?
97276  0200	97276  0200	PC/MISC		W	Tangential or rotational discontinuity possible
97288  1640	97288  1700	MISC		W	A gradual SBC?
97288  1700	97289  2350	MISC		W	Extended intervals of an IMF aligned along X-GSE
97289  0000	97290  0000	MISC		W	Interval contains long periods of IMF aligned along X-GSE
97295  1830	97295  1830	MISC		W	Possible bow shock crossing (outward), a Quasi// BS?
97300  1030	97301  0500	MISC		W	Low ion beta region, possibly an Ejecta/IMC
97305  0720	97305  2200	SBC/PC/EyC/MISC	W/8	Period of increasing SW speed, with multiple SBC
97308  0000	97308  0220	MISC/PC		W/8	Interval showing possible IMF rotat. discont.
97308  0220	97308  2250	MISC/PC/BzS/BzN W/8	possibly an Ejecta/IMC, GEOTAIL in the SW
97310  2210	97310  2210	IS/MISC		W/8	Foward IS seen near 2240 by IMP-8. During the
97314  2015     97314  2045	SBC/MISC/BzS	W	possibly slow crossing of the heliospheric plasma sheet
97315  0200	97315  0430	SBC/PC/MISC	W	Multiple SBCs and intervals of IMF holes.
97316  1500	97316  1500	PC/MISC		W	Possible IMF tangential discontinuity
97318  2340	97320  0200	BzS/MISC	W/8	Interval with low to very low ion beta
97323  2040	97323  2350	MISC		W/8	Interval of nearly radial IMF. GEOTAIL in the SW
97326  0910	97326  1850	EyC/MISC	W	This interval had ramPressure with spikes of at least 
97327  1250	97327  1305	SBC/PC/MISC	W	Interval shows the possible signature of a magnetic hole
97332  0900	97333  1140	MISC		W/8	Interval of low beta-p, nearly radial SW
97334  0715	97334  0815	PC/MISC		W/8	Pressure pulse, jump of ~4 nPa in ram pressure
97334  2050	97335  0355	MISC		W/8	Low beta-p region in apparent pressure balance
97336  2115	97336  2245	PC/MISC		W	Period of high ram pressure, beta-p, low IMF
97364  0800	97365  0500	BzS/BzN/MISC	W	Ejecta, possibly an IMC
98001  1415	98002  1300	MISC		W	Interval of a low beta (protons)
98008  1645	98008  2110	MISC		W/8	Region of low beta (protons), possibly an IMC
98020  1730	98020  2300	BzS/MISC	W	IMF Southward during low plasma beta (proton) region (Ejecta?)
98020  2300	98021  0330	BzN/MISC	W	IMF Northward during interval of a mostly low beta region
98021  0520	98022  0100	MISC/PC		W/8	Very low plasma beta (proton) region, Ejecta?, while IMF reaches 20 nTa
98024  0540	98024  1500	BzN/PC/MISC	W	Time period contains a 180 Deg. smooth rotation in longitude
98027  0600	98027  0600	PC/MISC		W	Possibly a tangential discontinuity, two streams contact region
98028  0400	98028  1130	MISC		W/8	IMF oriented approx. radial from the Sun
98029  1345	98030  2310	MISC		W/8	Time interval of low plasma beta (proton)
98033  0740	98035  0215	MISC		W	Interval of below average ramPressure, and low plasma beta (proton)
98044  0335	98044  0335	SBC/MISC	W/8	Possible stream-stream and IMF rotational discontinuity
98046  2000	98047  0400	MISC		W/8	Interval with an IMF approx. radial from the Sun
98047  1830	98051  0030	MISC		W	Interval dominated by low plasma beta (proton) regions (multiple Ejecta?)
98062  0550	98062  1900	MISC		W	Low proton-beta region (Ejecta?)
98065  2220	98066  1200	BzS/MISC	W/8	Interval of low proton beta (Ejecta?) with extended BzS and 
98070  0000	98072  1400	MISC		W/8	Large periods (> half hour) IMF fluctuates  (HSS?)
98072  2330	98073  0830	MISC		W	IMF approx. radial (Sun-Earth direction)
98076  1750	98077  0615	MISC		W	Very low beta (protons) region, Ejecta?
98076  1850	98076  1850	MISC		W	Possible rotational discontinuity
98078  0130	98079  0845	LSS/PC/MISC	W/8	Interval of multiple PCs and very low beta (protons)
98079  0520	98080  0150	BzS/EyC/PC/MISC W/8	Interval of multiple BzS/EyC/PCs and very low beta (protons)
98084  1400	98084  1000	MISC		W/8	Interval of very low beta (proton), Ejecta?
98084  1400	98084  1600	MISC		W/8	Interval of very low beta (proton), Ejecta?,
98090  1645	98093  0145	MISC		W/8	Ejecta material?, Extended intervals of radial IMF 
98097  0600	98097  1800	MISC		W/8	Extended intervals of radial IMF, low beta protons
98097  1715	98100  0415	MISC/EyC/BzS	W	Ejecta material?, Extended intervals of a BzS IMF 
98101  1540	98102  0900	BzS/EyC/MISC	W	Period of very low beta (protons beta)
98105  1300	98105  2330	MISC		W	Ejecta material?, interval of radial IMF
98107  0100	98107  0100	MISC/SBC	W	Possible tangential discontinuity
98110  1320	98110  2230	BzN/MISC	W	Ejecta material?, interval of radial IMF
98112  1330	98113  0430	MISC		W	Ejecta material?, interval of radial IMF
98124  2210	98125  0150	MISC		W	Ejecta?, interval of very low protons beta
98124  1200	98127  2140	MISC		W	Multiple Ejecta(s)?
98133  0600	98133  1300	MISC		W/8	Period of approx. radial IMF
98135  1615	98137  0400	EyC/PC/MISC	W	Multiple Ey and ramPressure changes
98135  2345	98136  1130	MISC		W	Region of low beta (protons), Ejecta?
98142  1200	98143  0125	MISC		W/8	Low beta protons interval
98144  1530	98144  1730	MISC		W	Near radial IMF (IMF along the Sun-Earth direction)
98145  2120	98146  1900	MISC		W/8	Interval with a predominantly low beta protons SW
98149  2345	98150  0250	HSS/MISC	W	A 700 km/s SW, not a typical Alvenic stream
98150  1345	98150  1600	MISC		W	Interval of a low beta (protons)
98153  1030	98153  1525	MISC		W	Time interval of very low proton beta (IMC?)
98161  1300	98162  0230	PC/EyC/MISC	W	Interval of sharp changes in ramPx and IMF intensities
98162  0130	98162  1230	SBC/MISC	W	Interval of below average IMF intensities
98162  2200	98162  2340	MISC		W	Interval of radial IMF along Sun-Earth line
98163  0300	98163  2300	SBC/MISC	W	From 13 to 20 UT below average IMF and
98164  0300	98164  2200	MISC		W	Interval of below average beta-protons
98166  1345	98166  2230	MISC		W/8	Interval of below average beta-protons
98167  1150	98167  1545	MISC		W/8	BzS at WIND but not at IMP8
98168  0630	98168  0800	MISC		W/8	Near radial IMF, GEOTAIL in the SW
98168  1330	98169  0700	MISC/BzS/BzN	W/8	Period showing smooth rotation of the IMF (Ejecta?)
98176  1610	98177  1700	MISC		W	Region of below average proton beta, Ejecta?
98177  1935	98177  1935	SBC/MISC	W/8	A possible IMF rotational discontinuity
98178  1415	98178  1415	MISC/IS/EyC	W/8	A possible slow reverse IS and rotational discontinuity
98239		98239  2300	MISC		W	A possible IMC
98317  0415			MISC		8	IMC?
99049  1220	99050  0830	BzS/MISC	W	IMF mostly southward, high speed Ejecta, possibly IMC
99130  2300	99132  1000	MISC		W/ACE	SW plasma density below 1/cc. GOES SC key parameter data
99177  0220	99177  0220	PC/MISC		W	Also a tangential discontinuity at WIND.
99178  1630	99179  0300	BzS/BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Fast Ejecta (>500 km/s)
99179  0200	99179  0600	PC/EyC/MISC	W/ACE	Interval with multiple pressure pulses.
99179  0900	99180  0300	MISC		W/ACE	A low beta(proton) region, hence Ejecta? 
99180  1500	99182  0200	MISC		W	Another very low density (Np<1/cc) and low beta(proton) region
99188  0700	99188  1700	MISC		ACE	A low beta(proton) region, possibly Ejecta,
99201  2200	99202  0600     MISC		W/ACE   Interval of above average B-field strength (Ejecta?)
99203  0110	99203  0110	MISC		W	Possibly rotational discontinuity,
99208  1700	99210  0430	MISC		W/ACE	A predominantly low proton beta region (Ejecta?)
99208  1700	99209  0300	BzS/BzN/MISC	W/ACE	IMF large rotation, possibly flux-rope
99211  2000	99213  1600	MISC		W/ACE	Possibly multiple low beta proton regions (Ejecta?, 
99232  2300	99234  0600	BzS/MISC	ACE	A mass depleted solar wind with extended Np < 1/cc periods
99233  1200	99235  1610	MISC		W/ACE	Low proton-beta region (Ejecta?)
99240  0000	99241  1400	MISC		W/ACE	Low Np time interval
99258  0930	99258  1000	BzS/MISC	8	Interval in which IMP-8 probably sees the bow shock
99282  2330	99283  0900	MISC/BzS	W/ACE	Possibly ejecta, magnetic field well above average
99283  0900	99287  2200	PC/EyC/MISC	W/ACE	Possibly extended low-high speed stream-stream IR
99294  0430	99295  0610	PC/BzN/BzS/MISC W/ACE	Period with ejecta signatures in the solar wind, possibly
99309  1915	99309  1915	EyC/PC/MISC	ACE	PC at Tangential Discontinuity
99309  2230	99310  0840	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	IMF rotates approx. 180 Deg. in Azimuth (Ejecta/IMC?)
99310  0800	99310  0800	MISC		ACE	Magnetic hole
99310  0840	99310  0840	SBC/MISC	ACE	SBC at a large magnetic hole
99310  1240	99310  1240	SBC/MISC	ACE	SBC at magnetic hole
99310  1545	99310  1545	PC/MISC		ACE	PC (IS?) at/near Tangential or Rotational Discontinuity 
99311  1000	99311  1000	PC/MISC		ACE	Possibly stream-stream interface, at magnetic hole, 
99316  0800	99317		BzS/MISC	W/ACE	Low beta-proton region (Ejecta?)
99316  0800	99217  1800	BzS/MISC	W/ACE	A very low density plasma region (<1 part/cc)
99325  0500	99325  1600	MISC/BzN	W/ACE	SW in this interval is of a relatively low proton temperature (ejecta?)
99326  0030	99328  1000	MISC		W/ACE	Time interval with a mostly South Bz, it has possibly ejecta signatures
99327  0200	99327  1930	BzS/MISC	W/ACE	Interval contains a low proton density region
99328  0600	99328  1500	SBC/MISC	W/ACE	Period with multiple SBCs, and one large magnetic hole near 1400 UT.
99360  0600	99360  2130	MISC		W/ACE	Ejecta?;Interval of an approx. radial IMF (~ 8 nT)
99361  0000	99364  0000	EyC/SBC/PC/MISC	W/ACE	Interval may contain slow ejecta(s)
99364  1600	99364  1600	SBC/EyC/PC/MISC	ACE	Magnetic hole at SBC and possibly IR interface
00017  0000	00017  0000	SBC/MISC	ACE	Interplanetary magnetic field Tangential Discontinuity at SBC
00022  1750	00023  0200	MISC		W/ACE	Region of smooth and intense IMF, possibly Ejecta related 
00052  0200	00053  1400	PC/MISC		W/ACE	Ejecta signatures
00066           00068  1200	MISC		W/ACE	Approx 450 km/s solar wind with signatures/features of a HSS
00068  1200	00070  0430	MISC		W/ACE	low proton beta region, monotonic decrease of the solar wind speed
00070  1000	00072  0200	BzS/MISC	W/ACE	Interval of low to extremely-low solar wind mass flow at Earth
00073  0530	00073  2100	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Interval overlaps with extended period of low proton density
00077  1400	00078  1200	MISC		W/ACE	Interval of below average solar wind plasma flux intensities
00079  0200	00079  1300	MISC		W/ACE	Possibly Ejecta interval
00084  0500	00087  1400	MISC		W/ACE	Start of longlasting low Np region
00088  1200	00089  1200	MISC/PC		W/ACE	Possibly ejecta, interval contains times of extremly low SW density
00098  0700	00099  0600	MISC		W/ACE	Interval shows ejecta signatures, and an initial SW speed > 600 km/s
00104  0400	00106  0700	BzS/BzN/MISC	ACE	Mostly smooth variation of above average Sun-Earth oriented IMF (Ejecta?) 
00111  2000	00112  0400	MISC		W/ACE	Interval of a mostly radial oriented IMF
00116  1600	00116  2200	MISC		W/ACE	Interval of a mostly radial oriented IMF
00119      	00121		MISC		W/ACE	Possibly Alvenic solar wind interval with a speed of ~400 km/s
00122  1400	00123  2300	MISC		W/ACE	Unusually low density region
00128  1300	00128  1900	MISC		W/ACE	A possible ejecta interval
00134  1600	00135  0130	MISC		W/ACE	Interval may contain ejecta
00139  0500	00139  1200	MISC		W/ACE	Interval of an above average intensity IMF, mostly along the Sun-Earth line
00156  0400	00156  1920	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Also a low density interval
00157  2000	00157  2000	PC/MISC		ACE	It could be a forward fast IS (if true, probably a very lateral impact!)
00159		00160  09	IR/MISC		W/ACE	IR possibly associated to more than one polarity HSS interval
00160  1100	00163  1700	PC/MISC		W/ACE	Ejecta, possibly IMC, possibly more than one flux-rope
00161  0000	00161  2000	MISC		W/ACE	Strong IMF and mostly radial along Sun-Earth line
00161  1400	00162  2000	MISC		ACE	Low to very low solar wind density interval
00176  0630	00177  1800	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Possibly ejecta (low Tp interval)
00178  1000	00179  0000	MISC		W/ACE	Interval shows low Tp, it may contain a IMC
00179  1100	00179  1220	MISC		ACE	Interval of a radial interplanetary magnetic field
00181  0730	00182  0130	MISC		W/ACE	Ejecta, possibly IMC
00193  0130	00193  1430	BzS/MISC	W/ACE	Interval of a mostly southward IMF, it contains a low proton beta region
00198  0700	00201  2000	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	The observed interval of mostly BzN oriented IMF appears to be like a HSS
00209  0400	00209  1900	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Interval of a low proton beta, possibly Ejecta
00209  1900	00210  1730	BzS/EyC/PC/MISC	W/ACE	Interval may contain ejecta material
00210  1415	00211  0900	MISC		W/ACE	Possibly IMC or ejecta interval, mple flux-ropes?
00212  0000	00213  0000	MISC		W/ACE	Interval with possibly large amplitude low freq Afvenic waves
00213  2200	00214  1800	MISC		W/ACE	A possible flux-rope (IMC?)
00225  0400	00226  2200	MISC/IMC/BzS/BzN W/ACE	Interval appears to be ejecta and contains an IMC
00236  0000	00237  0000	MISC		W/ACE	Possibly ejecta (multiple flux-rope(s))
00248  2200	00249  1700	MISC		ACE	Interval with a IMF mostly along a Sun-Earth direction (ejecta-related?)
00251  0400	00251  1600	PC/MISC		ACE	A mostly low proton plasma density (<= 1 part/cc) time interval
00259  1630	00260  1800	MISC/BzS	ACE	IMF lines appear drapped. Sheath region field lines surrounding ejecta?
00261  1850	00261  1910	MISC/EyC	ACE	EyC at magnetic hole
00261  2320	00264		MISC		W/ACE	Possibly fast ejecta (Earth disturbances from mple. H-CMEs on Sept. 15-16?)
00261  2320	00262  0300	MISC		ACE	Flux-rope in very fast solar wind (speed>=800 km/s, possible IMC in ejecta)
00262  0100	00263  1200	BzN/MISC	W/ACE	Interval contains periods of a B-field almost totally northward
00263  1600	00263  2200	MISC		ACE	Interval of a magnetic field mostly aligned with the Sun-Earth direction.
00278  0000	00279  0600	MISC/BzS	ACE	Interval may be part of ejecta
00279  1600	00280  1000	MISC/BzS/BzN	ACE	Possibly flux-rope
00289  0800	00291  1200	HSS/MISC	W/ACE	HSS of a mostly northward Bz field
00296  0740	00296  0740	PC/SBC/MISC	ACE	SBC and PC at magnetic hole, 
00302  2130	00303  2220	BzS/MISC	ACE	Ejecta interval (possibly IMC, related to H-CME on Oct 25 [LASCO/SOHO])
00315  1108     00315  1108     PC/MISC		W       possibly slow reverse IS + tangential discontinuity
00331  1900	00332  1130	MISC 		ACE/W	Multiple intervals of intense IMF [>20nT], solar wind speed above 600km/s,

This server and the information being made available are evolving as the ISTP Pr oject evolves. Questions or comments should be sent to the authors at the address below.
