Start time      End time        Categories        		S/C     
Events: 14:00 5/28/94	06:00 5/29/94	IR/MISC/BzS/SBC/IS/PC/HSS	8	

Commment: Observation of a corrotating interactive region (IR) starting 
	  with an IS, coincidental (MISC) in time with the 27 day periodicity 
	  of the series of IRs observed with a 27 period from the launch 
	  of WIND, from Dec. 5, 94. Apparent begin of the IR with a 
	  forward IS while Bz South. PC/SBC at ~15:50 with density reaching 100 cm-3
	  and Bphi changing from 180 to 0 Degree. B field peaks to 24nT near 16:00.
	  BzS from 01:00  5/29/94 to 05:00  5/29/94 with |B| 15-18nT, Bphi -15¡, |V|
	  600Kms-1, n 10->14cm-3. PC (reverse IS?) near 05:50  5/29/94 
	  while Bz is South, followed by HSS with |V| > 700Kms-1, |B| > 8nT until 5/
	  31, with Bphi 0 Degree, and Bz oscillating.