May 10-12, 1999
Time Interval of a Stretched Out Magnetosphere:
Long duration event of an unusually tenuous solar wind
Data Sources
Studies, Publications, Presntations
Interplanetary Conditions
Geomagnetic Response
Distant Bow Shock Observation
May 10-12, 1999 EVENT SUMMARY
Chronology of the Event (by D. Berdichevsky and M. Desch)
May 10, 1999 Beginning before noon the proton density in the solar wind (SW)
starts its almost monotonic decrease.
1645 UT on May 10 GEOTAIL in its INBOUND trajectory encounters the bow-shock at
26.6 Re from Earth.
18 UT, May 10 to approximately 5 UT, May 12 The Earth's magnetosphere does not
show usual signatures of day-side compression nor night-side
stretching either in the Hp component nor the more than 0.6 (and 2)
MeV electrons monitored with the geostationary environmental GOES
21 UT, May 10 to approximately 2 UT on May 12 The density of the solar wind
is below the mark of 1 particle per cubic cm.
1115 UT on May 11 IMP-8 crosses the bow-shock at 42.7 Re from Earth.
12 UT to 24 UT on May 11 The global geomagnetic Kp index makes an excursion
from 0 to 3 (15 to 18 UT) and back to the quiet value of 1.
1730 UT on May 11, Wind appears to cross the bow-shock, as well as Lunar
Prospector, at 52.3 and 60 Re from Earth respectively.
"These likely bow-shock crossings occur at the time when the preliminary
readings of the WIND/SWE plasma instruments indicate that the solar wind
ram-pressure was the lowest of the interval"
"This coincides in time with the Kp index reaching its maximum value 3 for
the day"
1830 UT on May 11 to 2 UT on May 12 The solar wind density starts to rise after
an initial jump by a factor of two or three, this near monotonic rise extends until approximately 18 UT on May 11
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