Introduction |
SOHO is a joint venture of ESA
and NASA, and it is an element of both the
ESA Solar Terrestrial Science Programme (STSP) and the ISTP Science
Inititiative. ESA will procure the spacecraft in Europe, where it will
undergo its final integration and environmental testing, and NASA will
provide the launcher, launch services, and the ground segment system to
support all pre-launch activities and in-flight operations. The
scientific instruments on-board are provided by the Principal
Investigators participating in the project.
Mission Description
Scientific Objectives
The SOHO satellite is a solar observatory to study: the structure,
chemical composition, and dynamics of the solar interior, the structure
(density, temperature and velocity fields) and dynamics of the outer solar
atmosphere, and the solar wind and its relation to the solar atmosphere.
To accomplish this, SOHO will carry a set of telescopes to study phenomena
initiated by processes commencing below the photosphere, and propagating
through the photosphere, chromosphere, and the transition region into the
corona. These instruments are designed to investigate problems such as
how the corona is heated and transformed into the solar wind that blows
past the Earth at 400 km/s. To do so they will have spectrometers to
study the emission and absorption lines produced by the ions present in
the different regions of the solar atmosphere. From this information it
will be possible to determine densities, temperatures and velocities in
the changing structures. These measurements are complemented by the "in
situ" study of the composition and energies of the solar wind and
energetic particles that result from the coronal structures observed by
the telescopes. This is done with the help of particle detectors carried
by SOHO that sample the solar wind as it passes through it. SOHO will
thus greatly enhance our knowledge of the solar wind and its source
While the solar interior is the region that generates the kinetic and
magnetic energy driving the outer atmosphere, almost no direct information
can be obtained about any region below the photosphere. The neutrinos
generated by the nuclear reactions, taking place in the core, are the only
direct radiation that reaches us from anything that is below the
photosphere. A relatively new technique, helioseismology, has developed
in the last two decades that allows us to study the stratification and the
dynamical aspects of the solar interior. It uses the study of the
acoustic and gravity waves that propagate through the interior of the Sun
and can be observed as oscillatory motions of the photosphere. An
analysis of these oscillations allows us to determine the characteristics
of the resonant cavities in which they resonate, much in the same way as
the Earth's seismic waves are used to determine the structure of the
Earth's interior.
To study the solar interior, SOHO will carry a complement of instruments
whose aim is to study the oscillations at the solar surface by measuring
the velocity (via the Doppler effect) and intensity changes produced by
pressure and gravity waves. The study of such oscillations requires both
high resolution imaging and long uninterrupted time series of
observations. In addition, because it is paramount to understand the
structure of the Sun in relation to the oscillation measurements, the
total solar irradiance, or solar constant, and its variations will be
The helioseismology investigations primarily aim at the study of those
parts of the solar oscillations spectrum that cannot be obtained from the
ground. The required sensitivity for observing the very low modes (l<6)
and the very high modes (l>200) is difficult to achieve from the ground
because of noise effects introduced by the Earth's diurnal rotation for
the low modes, and the transparency and seeing fluctuations of the Earth's
atmosphere for the high modes.
Solar atmosphere remote sensing
The solar atmosphere remote sensing investigations are carried out with a
set of telescopes and spectrometers that will produce the data necessary
to study the dynamic phenomena that take place in the solar atmosphere at
and above the chromosphere. The plasma will be studied by spectroscopic
measurements and high resolution images at different levels of the solar
atmosphere. Plasma diagnostics obtained with these instruments will
provide temperature, density, and velocity measurements of the material in
the outer solar atmosphere.
"In situ" measurements
The instruments to measure "in situ" the composition of the solar wind and
energetic particles will determine the elemental and isotopic abundances,
the ionic charge states and velocity distributions of ions originating in
the solar atmosphere. The energy ranges covered will allow the study of
the processes of ion acceleration and fractionation under the various
conditions that cause their acceleration from the "slow" solar wind
through solar flares.
Spacecraft, Orbit, Attitude
The SOHO spacecraft is three-axis stabilized and points to the Sun within
an accuracy of 10 arcsec and has a pointing stability of 1 arcsec per 15
minutes interval. It consists of a payload module which accommodates the
instruments and a service module carrying the spacecraft subsystems and
the solar arrays. The total mass is about 1350kg and 750W power is
provided by the solar panels. The payload weighs about 650kg and consumes
350W in orbit.
SOHO will be injected in a halo orbit around the L1 Sun-Earth Lagrangian
point, about 1.5 x 10^6km sunward from the Earth. The halo orbit will
have a period of 180 days and has been chosen because, 1) it provides a
smooth Sun-spacecraft velocity change throughout the orbit, appropriate
for helioseismology, 2) is permanently outside of the magnetosphere,
appropriate for the "in situ" sampling of the solar wind and particles,
and 3) allows permanent observation of the Sun, appropriate for all the
investigations. The Sun-spacecraft velocity will be measured with an
accuracy better than 0.5 cm/s.
SOHO is designed for a lifetime of two years, but will be equipped with
sufficient on-board consumables for an extra fours years.