- This international cooperative program unites scientists and
satellites to study the Sun-Earth connection: _____.
- _____ is an instrument on SOHO designed to image the solar
transition region and corona in four wavelengths.
- Japan's space agency is known by this acronym: _____.
- NASA launched it in 1996 to study the aurora and its causes: _____.
- This comprehensive solar satellite studies everything from solar
wind to magnetic fields from its place in space: _____.
- A huge cloud of hot plasma expelled from the Sun is called a _____.
- From the Latin for "northern dawn," this phenomenon is caused by
collisons between electrons and upper-atmosphere atoms: _____.
- SOHO orbits L1, a point of _____ between Earth and the Sun.
- Russians know their Space Research Institute by these three
initials: _____.
- The _____ is the region around Earth whose processes are dominated
by the Earth's magnetic field.
- _____ is the acronym for the US government space agency.
- Launched in 1997, this satellite studies the composition of coronal
and other space matter: _____.
- _____ is a gas containing free ions and electrons; it is the fourth
state of matter.
- _____s are half-hour long events in which plasma in the magnetotail
energizes, flows earthward, and produces bright auroras.
- A _____ is a rapid outburst on the Sun, usually in the vicinity of
active sunspots.
- The third planet from the Sun, _____ is home to billions of
curious carbon-based life-forms.
- This satellite, launched in 1998, explores magnetic structures on
the Sun and investigates heating of the outer atmosphere and causes of flares: _____.
- _____ is a satellite launched in 1992 to study how solar wind
interacts with the nightside tail of the magnetosphere.
- Using an occulting disk to create a false eclipse of the Sun, this
instrument images the solar corona: _____.
- _____ is another word for Earth's "environment in space."
- One of the four main ISTP satellites, _____ studies the properties
of the solar wind: _____.
- The Sun is approximately 150 _____ kilometers away from Earth.
- Regions of weak magnetic field separating Earth's field lines
closing on the dayside from those swept into the magnetotail are _____s.
- The acronym for the space program including the two satellites
Wind and Polar is _____.
- NASA's partner on SOHO, this agency unites a continent for purposes
of space research: _____.
- The closest star to Earth is commonly known as the _____.