Catalog of Global Geospace Science Events

 Start        Stop	 Type		  Event	  	Event Title and Pointer to 		Event
Date/Time    Date/Time	 of Event	  Leader	Event Home Page				Status

96148 1200  96148 1330  Aurora Australis  D. Chenette   Aurora australis and Polar perigee pass  A

96140 1200  96141 0230  End to end study  K. Baker      End-to-end study of energy flow          A  
    			 of energy flow			  using simulations and data

96149 2330  96149 2359  Radar collabo-    J.R. Dudeney  POLAR/SuperDARN Boundary 	         A 
			ration				Mapping and Dynamics	

96150 0200  96150 1000  May 29, 1996 MC   W. Peterson   5/29/96 Magnetic Cloud Interaction Event A  

97001 2140  97002 0400    ISTP/GEM Sub-     N. Fox      ISTP/GEM Substorm Campaign: January 1-2, A
                          storm Campaign                1997

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Last updated: Nov. 16, 1997