ISTP Spacecraft Orbit Plots
The following orbit plots are available:
- ISTP spacecraft (Wind, Geotail, Interball-Tail, IMP-8 & Moon) to 50 Re
- ISTP spacecraft (Wind, Geotail, Interball-Tail, IMP-8 & Moon) to 200 Re
- Cluster orbit
- Image orbit
- Wind orbit (3-6 month segments depending on location)
- Polar orbit and magnetic footprints
- Polar magnetic footprints
- Polar orbital parameters (R, ED-MLT, ED-L)
- 1996 GEO-Latitude and GEO-LT for POLAR apogee vs. time
- 1997 GEO-Latitude and GEO-LT for POLAR apogee vs. time
- 1998 GEO-Latitude and GEO-LT for POLAR apogee vs. time
- 1999 GEO-Latitude and GEO-LT for POLAR apogee vs. time
- 2000 GEO-Latitude and GEO-LT for POLAR apogee vs. time
- New Wind petal orbits: Nov 1998 - April 1999
- Wind Trajectory: May 1999 - April 2000
- Wind Distant Prograde Orbit - September 1, 2001 to December 15, 2003
- Wind Earth Return Orbit - December 15, 2003 to September 16, 2006
- Predictive Long Term behavior of POLAR orbit
Postscript versions of all these orbit plots are available via anonymous ftp from the SPDF ftp site
Authors and curators: