Links to the time ordered listing of specific catalog categories
Listing of interplanetary magnetic clouds
Listing of miscelaneous features in the SW
Listing of interactive regions in the SW
Listing of intervals of IMF Bz northward
Listing of interplanetary shocks
Listing of intervals of IMF Bz southward
Listing of low speed stream intervals in the SW
Listing of changes in the direction of the Ey component of the electric field
Listing of magnetic field sector boundary crossings
Listing of SW high speed streams
mostly related to solar magnetic coronal holes
This server and the information being made available are evolving as the ISTP Project evolves.
Questions or comments should be sent to the curator at the address below.
Daniel Berdichevsky - Raytheon-ITSS Corporation at ISTP
Science Planning and Operations Facility(SPOF)